Monday 8 August 2016

Smart Money Challenge with Tosin Dada

Day 1: 

Today is week 1: Day 1 of the Smart Money 30 Day Challenge.

Be Legendary! Create a Vision statement

Financial task: Create a Vision statement. Your Financial Task today is to articulate your vision statement, write it down (50-100 words) and share it.

Why is this important?
We get so bogged down with the reality of our everyday lives, bills, bills and more bills that we forget to focus on the vision. For most people the vision is foggy, which is why their limited resources are allocated inappropriately and their money gets pulled in every direction except their goals! To begin the journey to financial fitness you need to get clear on what your vision is. 

Your vision statement helps you create a summary of your  life’s narrative. It is a way of articulating who you are,who you want to become, the value you want to create and the impact you would like to have.

Be legendary!!!
In writing your vision statement think about what your legacy is going to be. Answering these questions will guide you in creating your vision statement.

What is your purpose? (What were you put on this  earth for?)

What are you passionate about?

What are your values?

What can you use your skill set to

How do you plan to impact the world?

Here’s one of my favorite vision statements…

“To use my gifts of intelligence, Charisma and serial optimism to cultivate the self- worth and net worth of women

Another useful tool for this challenge is the smart money journal. There’s a section to write down your vision statement. The journal can serve as a workbook for the 30- day challenge. (Its not compulsory but its helpful)

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