Wednesday 10 August 2016

Encouragement For Today: Who's Runway are you Walking?

By Bishop T.D Jakes
1st Peter 3:1-12

Have you noticed that during a fashion show, The models always look completely put together. From the clothes to the shoes and to the walk down the runway itself. The designer isn't just concerned about the dress alone, he or she selects the right accessories, and creating the overall environment in which to show of designs.
If you were a model of life, who's runway are you walking? The runway of the world or of The Word?

God created you as a composite. He gave you certain talents, feature and personality traits. Then He added a variety of emotional responses and spiritual gifts. He was concerned about the total you and so made you whole-body and soul.
 God designed you to be a vibrant, thinking, feeling, fully functioning person with a unique attractiveness.
 He decorated you with far more than physical attributes.

God made you with flesh which is an outer appearance.
He has also blessed you with creativity and an appreciation for beauty. You can and should recognize your appearance as an area in which you can express yourself to the glory of God.

Know this  - it is very important. Know that the outer you does not replace the inner you. The inner you does not negate the need for the outer you. You must have a balance. Remember that the inner qualities are eternal and therefore the most important. The inner qualities should give rise to the outer ones. In other words, it is who you are on the inside that should define what you choose to do with your outside.
The woman who is confident in the Lord may choose to wear a $1.50 dollar dress she finds at the thrift store or a $150 dollar dress she buys at an upscale department store. She is confident either way that her looks do not deter her character.

You see dear sister, the greater part of your beauty cannot be bought, taken off a rack, applied like a lipstick, or put on like a hat. The greater part of your beauty and attractiveness lies within you. It wells up from the inside and finds an appropriate creative expression on the outside. That's what Peter meant when he wrote that "the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit has a great price in the sight of God. (See 1 Peter 3:4).

God sees what no one else can see. That's the part of you that HE values the most. God bless you.

Title of Original Article: The Beauty of the Spirit by T.D Jakes, Woman Thou Art Loose Edition.
Additional words and re-titling by somethingblessedandbeautiful.

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