Friday 5 August 2016

Prayer for Brazil.

Prayer For Today:
Bible verse: Psalm 91

Dear lord, as we come together in your name, we thank you for all your kind mercies. 
We ask you for forgiveness of sins that we have committed knowingly and unknowingly and we ask for your grace to be true ambassadors or you.

As we gather before you today, we commit the Olympic games into your hands and ask for your protection for all athletes, for all visitors, spectators and  for Brazil. Because we live in cold and wicked times, we ask that if there is any plan of the enemy to strike and indulge in terrorism and perilous atrocities, that you frustrate their plans and make them fall flat on their faces.

Lord, Brazil is a country struggling with subtle racial discrimination and poverty, we ask that you unite the country and make the land prosperous and fruitful for all. We pray against gang violence in Brazil, against vices such as hard drugs that kill and destroy the youths of the nation, that your word will spread quickly in the land and move the people of Brazil to repentance when they walk against your will, that you will tear down every false religion and leads its people to you, because they are your children and you love them too.

We pray for the athletes who have trained very hard for these competition, that you expose every cheat and every organisation that is covering malpractices. We pray that you help all the athletes to do their best and to be truly proud of their achievement regardless of the end results.

Father we pray for peace for Brazil's government, for the games and for the world. Help us to praise you always and to remain at peace in our hearts always despite the evil in the world today for in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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