Monday 15 August 2016

Encouragement For Today: No More Dead Dogs

By Bishop T.D Jakes
Study: 2 Samuel 9: 6-10 Read it Here

The Scriptures tell us that with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Romans 10:10). There is a strong tie between what is believed and what is confessed.

You need to allow new meditations to dwell in your heart by faith, for you life will ultimately take on the directions of your thinking. Many weaknesses such as procrastination and laziness are just draperies that cover up poor self esteem and a lack of motivation. There are often symptoms of the  subconscious avoiding the risk of failure. Remember that "nothing will be impossible for you" if only you will believe. (Mathew 17:20)
Let me remind you of a story from 2 Samuel. King David sent his servant to find any surviving relatives of his friend Jonathan. When his servant returned to the palace from Lo Debar with Mephibosheth, the crippled son of Jonathan, David rolled out the red carpet and invited Mephibosheth o join him for dinner at his royal banquet table. The problem was that Mephibosheth couldn't sit at the table without falling to the floor. He struggled with his position because of his condition. his problem wasn't merely his twisted feet or his crippled body. It was his dysfunctional mentality.
Even after he had been raised from the deplorable condition he had lived for years, he was still so oppressed in his mind that he described himself as a "dead dog" (2 Samuel 9:8). He was a kings kid, but he saw himself as a dead dog.

Perception is everything. Mephibosheth thought of himself as a dead dog, so he lay on the floor as one. Sister, you have been on the floor long enough! It is time for a resurrection, and it is going to start in your mind. Has God blessed you with something you are afraid of losing? Could it be that you think you are going to lose it because you don't feel worthy?
Don't follow Mephibosheth's example.
Understand this one fact: just because you have been treated like a dog doesn't mean that you are one! Get up off the floor and take a seat at the Masters table-you are worthy. You have aright to be in the place and position that you are in, not because of your goodness, but by virtue of His invitation. I pray that God will heal your thoughts until you are able to enjoy and rest in what He is doing in your life right now!

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