Tuesday 9 August 2016

Encouragement For Today: The Woman in your Life

Inspired By Bishop T.D Jakes "That's What Friends Are For.

Bible Verse" Proverbs 17:17 and Proverbs 18:24

Mary the mother of our Lord was expecting her baby when she went to visit Elizabeth. Elizabeth was her closest friend and a relative. It happened that, at about the same time Elizabeth was also pregnant.
In fact their babies were remarkable babies. Luke 1:26-38.
These two women must have shared a special bond. They must have come together to inspire each other, share lows and share joys together. They were great friends.

It is wonderful how God planted them together and weaved the world's greatest story with them knit in it. 
God has a story for you too. He has a story for every one us. The bible reminds us that two are better than one in Ecclesiastes 4:9 because they have a good return for their labor, If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Can you imagine how great your story will be when you have someone who is of the same passion as you and of the same zeal for God with you?
Maybe it's someone with a higher or lower anointing than you, it doesn't matter  because you will lift each other up whilst doing the same for others too.

The minute you stop working against other women, and come together like Mary and Elizabeth, God will do unspeakable wonders in your lives and in the world.
Just like the baby in Elizabeth leaped at the voice of Mary, your babies (dreams and aspirations) will begin to leap into fruition.
If you are a woman who has dreams, plans and ambitions, whether for the kingdom or to create wealth, reach out to God and He will bless you. One of the ways that God does this, is through divine connections. He will connect you to a partner of the heart, your Elizabeth, your sister in Christ who will become the woman in your life.

The bible reminds us to never be ignorant of the enemies devices, so do not be surprised at the enemy's plans as you work together with your sister. The devil will creep in on you like a sneaky snake that he is and cause you to doubt your sisters motives. The enemy will plant bitter seeds to make you even begin to disrespect her calling and could make you jealous of some of her great gifts. The good news is that God is greater. When you draw near to Him, He will build you up enough to sense the interference of the enemy, He will give you the strength to resist him, trample over him so that he will flee mightily away from you both.

God wants us together, He wants to see us sisters together building a community of people who will love the lord, He wants to see us support each other as we actualize the dreams using the gifts He has given us.
It is high time we stop bad mouthing each other, striving with each other, gossiping about each other, pulling each other down and building protective walls around us to shut other sisters out because of our previous hurt.
 There is something in you your sister needs, and there is something in her that you need. Let's come together and see the powerful things that will come forth of it. God bless you.

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