Monday 8 August 2016

Prayers For All Oppressed Women and Victims of Terrorism

Our Father in heaven, we come before you as your children this morning. We glorify you and thank you for our lives and how easy it is for us,for the gift of sleeping and waking up in peace, for the safety of our children.
Lord we thank you.
Gracious father we ask you for forgiveness for times when we have failed to thank you, for when we complained over irrelevant things, if only we knew how blessed we were by you lord. Forgive us Abba Father for taking all your loving blessings for granted.
This morning as women, the keepers of the home and our sisters keeper, we come before your glorious throne and ask you for deliverance for Yazidi women under bondage from terror groups, Lord we plead their cases by the blood of the lamb who speaks greater things than the blood of Abel. Lord we are begging you for a revival. A revival that will sweep through our world.
Hannah prayed to you lord and you heard and answered. Paul and Silas prayed O lord when they were in prison and the holy ghost came down broke their chains and opened the gates.
Jehovah, All mighty. hear us as we pray today. Let the Holy ghost come down and do the same for these women and all those who are oppressed. Let the Holy Ghost move in Holy vengeance and set them free because they are your children also and you love them. 

Do something that will make every ear tingle O Lord. Raise up godly women in us that will continue to plead their cases before you night and day for your word says that if my people humble themselves and pray then I will hear and heal their land.
God of yesterday, today and tomorrow your word is true and there is no lie found in you therefore we believe those words. Teach us to pray like never before, from now on let the cloak of prayerful-ness fall on us because we know that you will hear us.

As for the terrorists lord, wipe them away from our land, let their memory be forgotten and if there be any of them who are finding a way out because they are beginning to feel convicted that you are truly a God of peace and not of wickedness, Lord reveal Yourself to them and give them the strength and grace to come out of their darkness and to come into  your kingdom of love and of true peace.
Lord keep us safe everyday, keep all our loved ones away from these evil people and lord direct our footsteps and touch our hearts. Help us to overcome hate. Teach us to love each other as Jesus Christ did. To be true Christians. 
Help the world to overcome racial and religious discrimination. 
Help us to be true ambassadors for you lord, to be a light and salt to all nations and to bring people to you, for you glory and the shame of the enemy for we pray in the name that is higher than all names, the name at which every knee will one day bow and declare that he alone is Lord.
 We pray in the name of our Saviour who has overcome the world and who is seated at Your righteous Right Hand, Jesus Christ alone, Amen.

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