Sunday 31 July 2016

Product Review: Facial

Brand : Clean & Clear
Product: Dual Action Moisturizer

CLEAN & CLEAR® Essentials Dual Action Moisturizer combines oil-free moisture with a proven acne-fighting ingredient. It can help to moisturise dry skin while treating and helping to prevent breakouts. It leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. 

Cost-  £5 

Customer- This moisturiser is targeted to those who have very oily skin which could cause breakout and leave the skin acne/ pimpled covered. When applying this moisturiser you will get a stinging sensation for a couple of seconds, this is the moisturiser attacking the pores and clearing them.  

Size- 100 ml

Direction- After you've cleaned your face, and your pores, you're ready for the finishing touch. Apply a thin layer over the affected acne area. Do this once a day for the first few days, then gradually increase to 2-3 times a day. But if your skin starts to dry out or peel, reduce your use to once a day or even every other day.

Ingredients (for those who have allergies) -
Active- Salicylic Acid (0.5%)
Inactive- Water Dicaprylyl Ether Cetearyl Alcohol Glycerin Neopentyl Glycol Diethylhexanoate Dimethicone Dicetyl Phosphate Ceteth-10 Phosphate Methyl Gluceth-20 Menthyl Lactate Aluminum Starch Octenylsuccinate Steareth-20 Sodium Hydroxide Steareth-2 Fragrance Neopentyl Glycol Diisostearate Lecithin Xanthan Gum Disodium EDTA Magnesium Aluminum Silicate BHT

My Personal Thoughts

I find that this moisturiser works well to keep my spots and breakouts under control, however it doesn't fully moisturise my skin, in fact it kinda drys out. I personally don't mind it drying out my skin as I have oily skin therefore it stops me looking shiny. However, if you were to get this moisturiser I would recommend you use another facial cream that would actually keep your skin moist.Upon further inspection I see that it contains salicylic acid, which is why it keeps breakouts at bay but doesn't do much in terms of moisturising. As I have extremely oily skin this moisturiser is an amazing investment.

I would highly recommend this product

Written by Milo
Photo Credit and Main information from Clean and Clear website

Shine Like A Star

Shine Like A Star

Break your Sweat in Style

Break your Sweat in Style

Sunday Sermon

The Lifestyle of a True Christian

Bible Study: Romans 12:9-21

The best thing you can do for the lord as a believer is to be an awesome walking advertisement for Him.
You can't expect people to desire a relationship with the lord if your mouth speaks one way and your attitude screams another. As Christians, we must remember to uphold and present to the world, the virtues that were evident in the life of our saviour.
Romans 12:9 reminds us to be loving, to display and have genuine love for people.
It is true that its hard to love when love itself has really waxed cold in the world. All we see and hear of is hate, murders and all sorts of unbelievable madness.

However, as true christians who emulate Christ, We must be the change the world is looking for. We must stop casting stones at others and have brotherly affection for each other.
As true christians, we must continue to be zealous for the lord in all we do. One of the ways to do this is, make WWJD our daily motto when we are faced with decisions and oppression.
We must also remember to serve the lord with all our being- spiritually and materially, by spending time in His presence and serving Him in every area that He leads us to.

As believers, we know that one of our responsibility is to cater to the church. The church has needs, not just your pastor or elder. 
The Church is you and I. 
There are people who are in need. Take a look around,  look for someone who is your brother or sister in the lord and think of how you can be a blessing to them. Manna doesn't fall from heaven anymore because God has put the manna in your hands to bless others.

In our daily interaction with people, remember to show Kindness and bless those who offend you. Do not in anger curse them. Forgive and forget, let go of all hurt and let God cleanse your hurt with His peace. 
Remember to show Compassion to those who mourn and let your happiness be evident and real with all people who rejoice. 
Complain not, envy not but give thanks to God for everything. With patience, wait on the Lord for your time of rejoicing too.

As true christians, there should be no pride found in our hearts, we must not act as the wisest of all creatures sounding as empty barrels. We must listen to others and exhort them only in the Lord.
We must remember that we are nothing and so humble ourselves by associating with everyone regardless of their social or financial strength.
We must not repay evil for evil, Vengeance is mine said the Lord therefore we have no business trying to get our pound of flesh back from those who hurt us. We must not retaliate any harm that comes our way because our God is a God of love, of mercy and of peace.

True believers should live peaceably with all men. As hard as it sounds, it is possible, the bible says that when a man walks with the Lord, He will cause even his enemies to be at peace with him.
If your enemy is hungry or thirsty, feed him. If your adversary needs a favour that is within your reach, give it to her. Be the good in the world that leads people to our God. Overcome evil with good always.

The lifestyle of a true christian keeps you pure, gives you peace and brings honour to our God. It is your decision from today to choose what lifestyle you will emulate.
 May the Lord bless and keep you standing firm in His word till the day you meet with him, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Happy Sunday.

Thursday 28 July 2016

A to Z Recommendation For The Best You.

A- Aspire to be the best version of yourself everyday:
When you get up every morning, be determined to be the best version of yourself. Indulge in a beauty treatment, wear something dramatic. Do something different. Spend time with God, meditate on a verse, do a prayer walk, wear your hair differently. Smile at everyone you meet. Do something kind for someone, even paying a compliment counts.

B-Be Bold and Better:
Every day decide that you will be better than yesterday. Put more effort at daily chores or at spending time with hubby and the kids. At work, work harder and smarter in a specific area. Be bold enough to strike up a conversation with someone new and if it lasts only 10 seconds, well, you know you tried.

C- Courage:
Be courageous to speak up for your opinion and beliefs or for someone else. Just remember to do it in a respectful manner. Not everyone will agree with you, it's always best to agree to disagree with people but politely.

D- Do not fear the unknown:
Fear is the ultimate destroyer of dreams and aspirations. Kick out fear and live life to the fullest, starting now.

E- Entertain Yourself, Others and Exercise:
For no reason throw yourself a happy day coffee morning or brunch for you and your friends. Get together, play girlie games and catch up on your lives. If you want to spend time by yourself. Catch up some TV shows, read a book or (you saw that coming right?)
 Make yourself a large mug of delicious coffee or tea and just indulge.
When that is done, hit the gym and burn those calories. Exercise is vital to maintaining good health.

F- Faith, Fun and Food :
You have got to believe in something higher than you, study about God, get to know Him and delight yourself in Him. Be less sensitive to slights and be fun loving everyday. Be silly every now and then and do something goofy. Experiment and cook an international dish you've never eaten before. Laugh if its awful and don't feel bad for feeding it to the dog. Laughter is medicine for the soul.

G- Get together with elderly relatives:
Such as parents, grand parents, aunties and uncles who have loved you from little. Skype or Facetime them regularly to remind them they are still loved very much. It will make their day.

H- Hide your flaws if it makes you happy, but know that true friends will always love you warts and all: 
If your teeth are not as straight as you would want them to be, smile widely at the camera because no-one has the same dentition as you, celebrate your uniqueness! That's what makes you special.

I- Inspire someone:
Even if it's your child, a co-worker, a friend. Tell your cleaner you appreciate her work and how much you believe she will be great at running her own cleaning agency some day, then share a success story with them and remind them regularly.

J- Joke, Be Jolly and Journal:
Don't take things too seriously all the time, if a waiter spills some wine on your shirt. Tell them thank

you for finally getting you the right color shirt you've  always wanted and smile profusely instead of getting upset. Be jolly and friendly. Journal your life, it will be an interesting read twenty years from now. How I miss my teenage diary! I would give up almost any of my flavoured teas just to read a page again.

K- Who said Kim Kardashian?  
Okay seriously,Kindness:
It costs you nothing to hold the door open for the lady behing you, to spare some change for the poor beggar, welcome the new neighbour with some cookies. Kindness makes the world a better place and you a better person.

L- Love, Love, Love:
Hate has caused so many problems in the world and has never solved just one yet. Chose to love people and see the best side of them. Refuse to gossip, slander or stir up hate. Love not just your friend but everyone around you and be more empathetic to those who are less fortunate than you are

M- Make good eye contact.
When you talk to someone, maintain good eye contact. It shows sincerity. Whether it is at a job interview or with your spouse. Allow yourself to be vulnerable in your emotions, It reveals the essence of your true self and that is an undescribable beautiful thing.

N- Be Naughty Sometimes!
This is not as a result of not knowing what to write. We could have said be nice, notice someone and let the know they are seen and loved...
But we want you to be a bit naughty and cheeky sometimes. watch thier actions, it will tell you more about yourself, more than you can imagine. It will also help you in considering if you need to tone down the scolding a little bit too.
At home reverse roles with your children and do something you would consider naughty to them then

This is a tough one for us, but we said A to Z right?
Well, Be Optimistic.
Never give up hope, as long as you have life, there is still hope. You can get cured from an illness, you can become a CEO, you can achieve success, you can get married, You can have children, you can own your own home, you can write a book, You can. Never ever give up.

P- Pursue your dreams:
Don't just dream alone. Do also. Do your research, improve yourself, put yourself out there. Dream and do because dreams really do come true. Ask Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Airways. He dreamed, he did and look where he is now.  In his biography, he humbly tells the world that he wasn't  the "smartest" at school. You go out there and re-define smart.

Q-Quiet Time:
You have got to switch off when you need to. To reconnect with your innerself by meditating, sleeping, listening to calming music. Just Switch Off the best way you know how, no phones, no T.V. Listen to your body and soul and give it its nourishment. 

R- Remember Birthdays!
Facebook has made that easier, remember to send a message to loved ones on thier birthdays. It shows warmth and reminds them what a loving person you are.

S- Socialise!
Don't be a loner. Take an interest in people especially people who are different from you. Different in age, younger and older. In ethnicity-see the world through their eyes. It will give you an added exposure to the world. 
The world is feeding the hate that comes from racism. Stop now and see people not colour. 
The most amazing friendships come from the most unexpected places.

T- Therapy and TLC:
Sometimes we need therapy and we can do this by talking to a professional about incidents that have marred us or to faith counsellors. Talk about it, let it out so it doesn't eat you up please. Do not be consumed by the past, you deserve a beautiful you. 
Give yourself some tender loving care. Get a massage, facials, highlights in you hair, false lashes and bat those alluring lids away.

U- Understanding:
Understanding comes from wisdom. When you learn patiently why people do things or why certain things happen, the understanding that you have about that thing, helps you react in a better and more controlled manner, That attitude will place you in a different and distinctive leadership league. Others will desire your maturity and many will admire you for it.

There is so much satisfaction that comes from volunteering to help someone especially when that person cannot do much for you. Volunteer your time today and bless someones life. It will add value to your life too.

X-Yikes! This is a brain teaser.
X-Rated! Sex is great, Do it as often as you can, in marriage of course. Switch it up and freak your hubby out by doing it elsewhere than the usual place. Send him seductive messages while he's at work and flirt shamelessly with him. You will be all he'll think about.

Y- Younger looking you doesn't mean sugeries and crash diets. It means happier You:
Take time out to do the things you enjoy and spend time with people you love. Wear a smile, it does make you loo 5 years younger too.

Z- We made it finally! 
Hip Hip Hurray if you read till the end.
Zip up: If you are single and don't give the goodies up till your man puts a ring on it.
Zip your mouth if you don't have anything good to say. Noone likes a catty remark.
Zip your jeans up, go to a party and enjoy yourself.
Zip this article and email 5 of your best friends too. That's a good one to zip right?

Summer Loving for teens

Summer Loving
Summer Loving by tempester 

Designed by Milo

Give Away Again....Just because we love you

We love hearing from you, so much that we are giving you hair extensions to show our appreciation.
Tell us which article you enjoyed the most or Comment on your favourite post.
The first three women will receive this beautiful hair...GOOD LUCK.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Grow Your Kids The Healthy Way

You know you want what's best for your children. The best way to start is by feeding them right. Make sure that they are eating well balanced meals because it will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle for life.
Your child's immunity is great at dealing with illnesses, however a helping hand does go a long way. Nutritious meals will help boost their immune system. So will exercise. Get your children involved in fun sport activities such as Zumba kids, Tennis, Swimming and more.

More Ways of boosting their immunity include very basic stuff such as the following:
Eating more Citrus Fruits such as Oranges, Lemonades, Red Capsicum Peppers and Tangerines
These super rich fruits have just the right amount of Vitamin C which is anti viral and anti bacterial. You can cut up these fruits in wedges and tuck it into their lunch boxes or even as a snack at home. Vitamin C is great at helping recovery from colds and flu.

Sun Time:
The sun supplies Vitamin D but you want to be careful what rays your child is exposed too, the early morning sun is best. If you are in the Middle East or Africa where the sun rays are harmful. Make sure you speak to a healthcare practitioner who might prescribe some vitamin D drops.

Load up on the Yoggies, (Yoghurts)
Not only do they taste great, they contain probiotics which is essential for health in growing children.

Fill up on Fibres
Avocados have fibre content and most breakfast cereals are rich in fibre too. They help and aid digestion and contribute to all round health in children.

Healthy children are Happy Children.

Blush Beauty.

Blush Beauty.

You are a masterpiece too.

Encouragement For Today.
Bible Verse:1st Cor 12: 7
My almost two year old was humming to a song the other day. At first I couldn't tell what it was but he kept going. There was no way I wouldn't know the song. I mean after years of watching Barney as a child and then forcefully as an Adult. I should have been able to decode that particular song in my sleep. It was the you are special song.

It goes like this "cause you are special, special, special, cause you are special in your own way"
It is true. You are special and full of talent. You might not be able to pray for people to get healed of cancer, or lead worship or deliver moving sermons. You may not be the best cook or best in giving out advice but you are still special.

Every body has unique gifts, some are mighty and some may seem small, but they are gifts regardless. No one has a mediocre gift. When I first became a christian, anytime I worshiped God, I was always in tears. I didn't understand why, I know that I was always moved but I started doubting that my tears were of joy. I was worried that maybe a part of me hated being in Gods presence, so I decided to talk to my pastor about it. He was so joyful, He told me that so many people wanted, wished they would be stirred in their souls that way when they were in the presence of God and He knew without a doubt that it was a gift from God.
Thinking about it then, I thought that crying in Gods presence was mediocre but now I would never trade that gift for anything else in the world. It is a humbling feeling that is best felt than described. Thank you Lord.
Gifts are Gods special blessings, and the bible makes us understand that everyone is gifted. Everyone including you. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.
Your gift could be your personality, your ability to edify people, your kind words, your warmth, your kindness, your ability to speak up for people, your gift of singing or playing an instrument, it can be anything that is soaked in goodness.
Your talent is a gift from God and your gift back to Him is how you use it.
Are you using your gift to glorify His name?
1st Peter 4:10-11 your gift is for the service of others, You must remember to use it with all humility. Colossians 3:23-24 also reminds us that, whatever you do(with regards to your gift) do it heartily as for the lord not to men.

Maybe, you aren't sure what your talent is and you really want to serve God. All you have to do is begin to walk with the lord in obedience and pray to Him, asking Him to reveal to you what your gift is and how to use it. It really is that simple!

Lets read together the story of the five talents found in Matthew 25:14-21.
 Similarly, it is like a man going on a trip, who called his servants and turned his money over to them. To one man he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, based on their ability. Then he went on his trip. “The one who received five talents went out at once and invested them and earned five more. In the same way, the one who had two talents earned two more. But the one who received one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground, and buried his master’s money. “After a long time, the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The one who had received five talents came up and brought five more talents. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you gave me five talents. See, I’ve earned five more talents.’ “His master told him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy servant!Since you’ve been trustworthy with a small amount, I’ll put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master’s joy!
Now to the one who hid his talent, he was punished. His talent was taken back from him. I pray that your talent will never be taken back from you. You must use it sister. Use it to the glory of God.
On the day when we are faced with our Lord. We will give accounts of how we used our talents. It is my earnest prayer that on that day, we will be given a pat on the shoulder and a hug from our Father who with love, will say to us, Well done.
You are a masterclass, truly blessed and gifted. Gods own best. Shine on baby, You are Gods star.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Good samaritan

Encouragement for Today.
Bible Study: Luke 10:25-37
Everyone knows about The Good Samaritan. His story is very moving and powerful. It has been shared by countless generations but its message is quite easily forgotten. Lets take a look at the story again and hopefully retain the lesson today.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”
He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.
 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”
 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.  He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’
“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

Your neighbor is everyone around you. It will cost you nothing you don't already have to help someone in need.
Today make a conscious effort to spread kindness and warmth wherever you go. Help someone who least expects it from you.
 Go out of your comfort zone to make friendly conversation with someone whenever you have the opportunity, just to let them know that they are seen and loved. The bible says some have done all of these that and serviced angels unknowingly. (Hebrews 13:2)

Remain Blessed.

Monday 25 July 2016

10 Things You Should Never Say To Your Man

1. Is she better looking than me?
Rolling my eyes right now? Why are you being insecure? Even if he thought so, he's never ever going to admit it. No man wants to be poisoned at night.

2. "Nothing is wrong" when everything is not okay.

I know sometimes you just want to be babied up and fussed over but the guessing game just irritates most men. Simply say "how about I tell you later?"

3. You are just like my ex.
Really? Really? Really? How did you feel when you mom said things like "Why can't you be like your sister.." when you were little? Don't do it. Absolutely no comparisons please.

4. Size doesn't matter at all.

So why are you talking about it?

5. My best friends man just got her a Hermes purse.
Okay, you are allowed to move into his life and get yours too.

6. Why are you being stupid?

Erm,.. Don't talk down at your man. He is your man not your dog. Even your pets deserves respect from you.

7.Because I saw it on your phone.
You will never see more because his phone will never be forgotten on the table anymore.

8.We need to talk.
That's the scariest thing to say to a man.How about "I have some news babe, when is a good time?

9. I do not like your mother. 

This isn't even funny. She's the reason why he is in this world and no matter how mean she may be, she is still his first love even though he'll never admit it.

10. My friends don't like you.
 You have just told him you care more about your friends, so why are you still hanging around him? It's okay to pack your things and move in with them now.

Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants

Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants

The Power of Quiet Lips

Encouragement for Today

Bible Verse: Proverbs 10:19

Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.

Not every slight deserves an answer.
Someone once said maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, values, self-respect, morals or self-worth.

The lips are very important but it can also be very dangerous, be sensible when you talk. Think carefully before you speak or act. Proverbs 10:19 says that when words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.
Proverbs 18:2 also teaches us that a foolish person is only interested in expressing his opinion and cares less in understanding others.

There is wisdom in quietness. There is power in silence. Make an effort to talk less and listen more today.

Prayer Point: Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!
(Psalm 141:3)

Remain Blessed.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Blush Body Body Butter

All Natural Body Butter
Shea Butter
Cocoa Butter
Mango Butter
Coconut Butter
Non greasy 24 hour moisturiser with Spf 15
Scented and Un scented
Price: 3000 naira
10 Dollars

Jollof Rice Made Easy

SBaB Top 12 Best Summer Dresses

SBaB Top 12 Best Summer Dresses

Ditch your Old Smoothie Recipe, This is the Yummiest Ever

Not only do these taste good, they are super duper easy to make and taste amazing.
Breakfast has never tasted better.
Cheers Skinny body!

 Culled from

Meeting the Parents

Meeting the Parents tips

7 gadgets you will never believe you do not already own

And The winner is.....

The Breakfast station.

This good guy is the best chef in town.  It has a large family size non-stick griddle, a coffee maker brews up to 4-cups of coffee, will toast up to 4-slices of bread at a time, with a multi-function toaster that oven bakes, toasts and reheats food. What are you waiting for? Amazon is a click away.

The Hot Dog Toaster 
This is probably going to be the family's' favorite.  No more early wake up on Saturday mornings as the kids will be serving themselves. Three cheers for your snooze fest. Hip, Hip, Hurray!

The Microwave Rice Cooker

Get your best fried rice game face on, This will cook 2 cups of rice at a time so don't invite all your friends over just yet. It is really good and works well for soups too. 

The Double Pan
This is the best pan for searing in all the juiciness from meats. It will work for any other kind of food as well. Grill on, cook on, steam on!

The Charging Station:
All everyone needs to do is is choose their favorite spots. No more stolen chargers. Just Awesome!


Real Legend Kitchen utensils
We don't need to say more. It is an all in one real legend alright.

Water Melon Slicer
We never saw anything so simple for something so complex. yes cutting water melon up in neat slices can be complex.  We want it yesterday.

Sunday Sermon: It is all up to you

Bible Study: Jeremiah 18:1-6 Read it here

Jeremiah was a prophet who loved God. The bible tells us that even before he was born, God knew him and set him aside for his glory.
It was during his ministry that the lord revealed to him, the story of the potter which we will study today.
The lord told Jeremiah to arise and go to the potter's house. When he got there, he saw how the potter used his clay to make vessels. The potter moulded it with his bare hands and as Jeremiah watched the beautiful art in fascination, the lord gave him a revelation.
God told him the manner in which the potter molded the clay with his hands was the same way that Jeremiah's people were in His powerful hands.

Today as believers, we are also Gods people. If we remain steadfast and committed to the things of the Lord, He will mould us into what He has desired for us.
Many a time, we have everything concerning our lives figured out with our human reasoning and so we let go of Gods desire to mould us into excellent Vessels. When we decide to mould our lives ourselves, we usually become tired, unsuccessful or even broken.
It is the same with clay. When it is unyielding in the hands of the potter, it can become a deformed vessel. The deformity will not appeal to potential buyers and If someone does decide to buy it, he most likely will never bring it out when he has important guests.

As a vessel to be in God's hands, how do you fare? Are you un-yielding to Gods direction and plan for your life? Do you feel like your ministry, career, home-front is crumbling right before your eyes and you cannot fix it?

The great thing about clay is, it is malleable. It never gets totally condemned because the potter can always fix it by working on it.
We are all like clay too,  You are malleable in Gods' hands but you have to make the call. The Potter that makes everything good, is happy when you call on Him to fix you.
If your vessel is broken, His hands can restore wholeness to your being. The God who  breathed life into dust and made it a living being can give you a re-birth.
In verse 8, The Great Potter, our God talks about His love for us. Even when we make a mess of ourselves, let go of Him, disregard Him, He is merciful enough to forgive, remould and refine us.
His word says that He will relent on the disaster that could have come upon us thereby sparing us, work on us and giving us a beautiful end.

So what are you waiting for? Go to the lord today and let Him remould you into an amazing vessel for His glory and your peace of mind.
He has given you a free will to make that decision. How will you use it?  It is all up to you.

Picture Credit: Online Source

Saturday 23 July 2016

Sweet Summer Swimmer.

Sweet Summer Swimmer.

The next best thing to Cakes

Technically it is still a cake but it is a smaller portion, which is healthier for you.

  • It can be done in as little as two minutes.
  • You can make it in the comfort of your home.

It is fun to make and even better to eat, so what are you waiting for? Let Gemma teach you my new favourite thing to do. Enjoy

Video Credit: Youtube: Bigger Bolder baking By Gemma

(WOD) Work Out of The Day.

Exercise Espresso.
First: We start with 2 minutes of Jumping jacks to warm up and get your heart rate up. Do one minute. Rest for ten seconds and get the other minute over with. Yes you can

Secondly, we go into 2 minutes of squats while getting some more ten-second rest in between.

Thirdly, we start our 2 minutes of  Burpees. Get another ten-second rest in between.

Next, do your 2 minutes of sit ups adding some weights if you are able to. Stretch your hands out straight when you get up.
 If you are unable to add weights, just carry on with your sit-ups but with no break. If it is hurting, it is working!

Last set, finish strong!
Do a 2-minute plank. Rest after a minute for 15 seconds and finish the last set with some grace.

Beautiful body, here you come.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Encouragement for Today
Bible Verse: Mathew 24:30-31

We are living in very tense times. There are terrorists everywhere. There is hate everywhere and sadness and sorrow is lurking in every corner.
Women are abused and violated daily, children are turned to soldiers and beheading of innocent people have become the order of the day.

Where have we gone wrong? Why does it feel like the world is spinning too fast and out of control? How did we let hate seep into our very being and corrupt our core.
Where are the values that were taught to us by our parents when we were much younger and the world seemed like a better place?
What is going on?

If you are a believer, you will understand the times that we are in. It is no longer a cliche-that the end is coming except that we do not know when exactly.
It could be tomorrow, it could be next week, next year, fifty years from now. It could be tonight.

Where are you standing? Are you on the fence? On the other side or on the Lords side?
 I want to encourage you this morning to prepare. Prepare for that glorious and mighty day by casting down your crowns, your selves and your pride. Cast down the things that are weighing you down and exchange them for the zeal of God.
What would it gain you, if you profit the whole world and lose your soul?
We need to sit down and re consider our lifestyle and ask ourselves a simple question? Is our lifestyle pleasing to the lord?
 The bible reminds us that let he who thinks he stand take heed lest he fall. (1st Cor 10:12)

Examine your life this morning. Where are you standing?
If that glorious King, the one who died and rose again appears in the clouds today, by His grace where will you be?
Are you going to let unforgiveness, malice, slander, hate, heartbreak, adultery, fornication, lust of the flesh, pride and more hold you back?

Do not delude yourself, that day is inevitable. The King of kings will ride in glory in the clouds on a horse.
It might sound like it, but you best believe it is not a fairy tale. Fairy tales got their inspiration from this, which is the truth and which is to come.
That day, He will separate the wheat from the chaff and His sheep from the goats. (Mathew 25:31-33)
His sheep know His voice and will answer when He calls them.
Do you know His voice. Do you hear Him knocking at the door of your heart today? He's there asking you if you will open.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Answer and let His love sweep over you, let it give you peace in this troubled times that we live in.
Remain at peace in Him and stay blessed.

Friday 22 July 2016

Prayers For Munich and For World Peace.

Taste of Nigeria Baby...

This song is basically about the price you pay as move higher and do better for yourself. Don't be discouraged when there's a lot of envy and bruises along the way, no-one ever made it to the top smiling.
 I'm loving Patrick's take on this Reekado Banks song at his performance on The Voice Nigeria.  I think it's a great way to start your weekend. Enjoy

Step out in Style Curvy Woman Edition

Step ou it Style Curvy Woman Edition

When You Are NOT Invited...

Encouragement for Today
Bible Verse: Psalm 27:10

 How do you feel when you are not invited?
How do you feel when you see a picture of your friends having fun without you on facebook?
Does it upset you that you are not part of the "it" group sometimes?
Do you feel like no one has taken the time to truly get to know you?

Do not you fret over little things? The lord has made you fearfully and wonderfully. There is nothing wrong with you.
The world is used to seeing the outward appearance of a man and using that as a standard of what he is.
Do not fret about being overlooked because God sees you and He delights in you.

When Samuel went to the house of Jesse, He thought Eliab was the king to be.
Why not? He was tall, probably broad shouldered with a deep baritone voice. Samuel must have seen Eliabs muscles flex when he helped his father move some furniture around. Yes indeed! this was surely the king, he thought.
Abinadab, Shammah and Jesses other sons passed by also for Samuels endorsement, excellent men they were, with handsome and chiseled features, but the Lord told Samuel not to consider their appearance because they were not His chosen. (1 Samuel 16)

Who among your friends, colleagues, family is still myopic in their view of you? Who has not invited you or passed you over for a promotion, just because they feel you are lacking a quality check in their box? Who has not chosen you despite all the hard work you have poured out? It is okay. Do not fret because it is not yet your time. God is still working on you.
Consider that even when David was anointed as King, twenty years passed by before he ascended the throne.

The Lord is telling you today to be patient. Your time is in His hands and when He is ready to present you the world, those that felt you were incapable, too lowly, too unqualified will be amazed at who the Lord has made you to be. There will be so many invitations,  that you will gracefully turn a lot down.
Do not bother about what is in the heart of man towards you but what is in your heart towards God. Bother about how God sees you and what He finds in your heart.
Psalm 27:10 When people forsake you, the lord will receive you.
Dust off all your anxiety, all your loneliness and heartbreak as you sing a joyful song to the lord. You are always welcome into His courts. You do not need the validation of men or an invitation into His presence because you are the apple of His eyes.

When you are not invited, know that to God, you are always His special guest of honor. When you are passed by for  a promotion remember that your timing is not in your hands but Gods. When you are not invited stay still and know that God is God.
At the appropriate time, You will be honored.  Worry not, only smile and shine on, you are Gods delight.

Picture credit: online source

Step Out in style

Step Out in style

Thursday 21 July 2016

The Grass On The Other Side Is Never Greener.

The grass on the other side is never greener, is a true account of Muthali life searching for greener pasture in the UAE.
Muthali a Kenyan young woman, is promised a job as a Sales Manager in the beautiful city of Dubai. When she arrives the middle east, she is cheated.
Her passport is taken away from her and she has to endure a life of hardship. As she shares her moving experience, you'll meet some of the dubious characters who color her life in all shades. You will cry along the way but ultimately fall in love with her fierce determination to succeed at all costs.


It was a very hot day and the walk to the car took some time, we were so amazed at the level of heat. I broke out in a sweat as did the other girls, but the shock of what had just happened temporarily left us all numb and quiet.
After a short drive, we were driven to what looked like a brothel. It was a very suspicious looking building.It reminded me of  one of those  places policemen discovered underage sex workers on television documentaries.
We sat in the car like prisoners, looking out of the window as the driver parked the car and waited for him to give us further instructions.
He turned his head to the back where we sat packed tightly like sardines and looked at us for a moment. It felt like he was about to say something but then his phone rang.
As soon as he finished,  he spoke to us in his broken English. "Out! you all of you...sleep there!" 
He handed us about a hundred Dirhams,  pointed to a Filipino man at the gate and told us he would show us where to buy some food. 
As we got out of the car he sped off and we could hear the screeching sound of the tires.
Immediately, the gate man walked towards us and ushered us into what looked like an apartment.
The girls and I held hands, I looked at the other girls and I could tell they were feeling the same way I was feeling, there was fear written all over our faces. Instantly I began to feel cold and shivery. My mind traveled out of my body I started to think of the worst.
The brothel looking place was a dingy one room apartment filled with probably about fifteen girls, they all looked of Asian heritage to us. As we walked into the room, we exchanged pleasantries but  they fell on deaf ears. We were greeted with cold stares, and that made us feel very uncomfortable.
Quickly, they began to throw their weight around us to make sure we understood that we were not welcome and so we all stood in a corner and watched them because we didn't know what else to do. All the beds were occupied and there was really nowhere for us to sit. The room was very stuffy and smelt damp. Even though it seemed like there was an air conditioning sound, I could hardly tell where it was or where the sound was coming from.
The room was so crowded there was almost no ventilation. My heart sank and I choked back tears.
Eventually, we just curled up in our corner and started to pray. It started with some singing and then somehow we ended up weeping because we got really scared.
The Asian girls stared at us as we cried but we didn't care anymore at that point. We are terrified and heartbroken.
My mind flashed back to all the stories that I had heard about girls being lured to places like Italy with dreams of a better life and  promises of gainful employment. I had heard that immediately they got abroad, their passports were seized and they were forced to prostitute. Even though our passports had been seized, I comforted myself with the fact that the agent had once told me it could never happen in the UAE because of its strict religious laws. When I shared this information with the girls, they wept even more because we knew that our agent had done nothing but lie to us from the beginning of our journey.
That night, we ate the leftover snacks I had with me and we slept on the bare floor with our handbags close to our chests as if we had prized possessions in them.

The next morning, we saw the girls cooking using portable electric stoves, we were so hungry that we stared at their food. They didn't offer us any, instead, they showed us where we could buy groceries.
Outside, there was another Filipino guard who watched our every move like a Hawk. He walked us to the grocery which was opposite the apartment with his eyes and we could feel him monitoring us as we  walked in and out. 
In hindsight, if we knew what our ordeal was going to be, we could have run away. I guess we were just naive and stupid at the same time. We did think about it though, it was just that we didn't have any money or anyone to run to.

Five days passed by and no-one came to see us or talk to us except for another Filipino man who brought a few beds for us. They were very tiny beds and the mattresses were heavily infested with bed bugs. The first night we slept in them was horrific, we itched all over the next morning. We decided that sleeping on the floor was a much better idea.
 The Asian girls also began to warm up to us after some days, they told us they were from Sri Lanka and assured us that we were not in a brothel, they had been there for a couple of weeks and had just completed some training in housekeeping.
When we questioned them further, they explained to us that we were likely to get jobs as cleaners in hotels because we spoke good english. They also encouraged us to remain optimistic and so we began to hope for the best.
After about a week and a half later, the same man who picked us from the airport came to the dingy room we lived. He told us that he was taking us to meet our boss, so we dressed up and went with him to the Office .
It was a very neat and decent building. As soon as we arrived there, we were ushered into a small board room. It was very elegant and tastefully furnished and we whispered among ourselves about why we had been given such a shabby place to live when the office looked so pristine.
The manager came in after we were seated, he was an Indian man. He offered us some juice and smiled a little. Immediately he began to tell us  what our jobs were.
We were to wash toilets.
As soon as those words came out of his mouth, we all fell silent. In my mind I began to think really quickly. I asked myself how I got into this mess. I didn't even wash toilets in Kenya, how would I do that here? It was as if I had received a blow to my head.

I guess  to clear the air of silence in the room, he began to ask us all about our qualifications and if we had any working experience. My hopes were raised a little, quickly I spoke up and said to him, "Sir I have a Diploma in Business Administration." He looked at me, nodded and said Alhamdulillah. I didn't know what that meant but from the look on his face it felt like he said, that's awesome you won't need that in your new job.
 I wasn't satisfied so I opened my mouth to speak again. Somehow, it was as if the girls  had made me the official speaker.
 "Sir, we didn't come here to wash toilets, they told us we will work as waitresses…"
He put his hand up motioning for me to stop talking. Then he spoke sharply to all of us "I am a very busy man, we paid for your tickets and visa and we will be paying you salaries that will take care of you and your families, do your jobs otherwise you will be sent to prison, this is the end of the meeting." He rose up from his seat and we were obliged to do the same.
 His assistant who had been standing by the door very quietly all this while opened the door and asked us to leave the office.
We were even more shell-shocked than we had ever been.
On our way to the car, we asked the assistant if he knew anything about our salary, he said we would be well compensated and he grumpily handed us over to the driver.

The next day, three of was were driven to Abu Dhabi, and as usual no one was expecting us, neither was there any accommodation so we were dropped off at an office to sleep. As soon as the driver drove into the office car park, a uniformed guard walked up to him and began asking him some questions in Arabic.
We watched them  argue back and forth and after a few minutes the driver made some calls. We didn't know what he was saying because he spoke more Arabic. A few minutes passed by and then he handed the phone to the guard.
The guard must have been getting some kind of clearance because as soon as he got off the phone, he led us to an office and told us to sleep there. We didn't ask any questions, we were very tired and it was already late.
We quickly showered in the office toilet and slept under the desks. It was a very restful sleep because the air condition worked and there were no mosquitoes, we would have continued to sleep if not for some voices and footsteps that jolted us out of our sleep.
It was already morning and another man came to us. He walked into the office where we were still lying down and asked us to get up, go out and look for accommodation.
"Sir, we are new here, how do we know where to go and find a place we can live?" I asked him confusedly.
 He yelled at us to first get out of the office and then we would find a taxi waiting outside. As we scrambled under his fury, He hissed, cursed under his breath and called us Black and dirty.
We knew we were Africans and dark-skinned but dirty we were not, I was so close to lashing out at him, but one of the girls spoke to me in Swahili telling me that if the man killed us all, no one would ever know. I swallowed my tongue and walked out with them in anger.
True to his word, we found a taxi waiting for us outside and immediately the taxi driver motioned for us to get into his taxi, he explained that the man had hired him to drop us off at our new living quarters.
Everything was just confusing. The angry man sent us out of the office and told us to go look for an apartment and now the taxi driver was telling us that we had somewhere to live already. I almost burst into tears. It was becoming too much and I knew if I didn't keep it together, I would break down.
Not long after, we pulled up into a very rural area. The taxi driver was a very kind man and he told us that we had reached our destination. He also was nice enough to walk us to the building where we were to live.
 It was a one bedroom which already had three other girls and so we had to share again with them. This time, the girls acted like they had been expecting us.
We were so confused but they were very welcoming. They told us that this was to be our new home and when we asked how we would pay the rent, they  explained that it would be automatically deducted from our salary monthly.
Apparently, we were all to work for the same company. We also learnt that there was a bus that would pick us all up at 6am to our jobs and bring us back at noon. It would return again at 2:30pm and bring us back at 11:30pm. The long working hours terrified us.

The company had a structure for its workers, it was just that there was no communication or it was improperly delivered. No-one cared about us. Left to them we were half human beings and half animals so they did not bother about our welfare.
As we talked to the girls, they informed us about the house  rules  which were basic dormitory rules. They also shared some important information with us and the one I would never forget was there were cameras in the building which were monitored, and so they advised us to be careful not to steal as there was a heavy penalty for that in the Middle East.

Later that evening as we settled, we found that there were other men living in that same room.
That was just too much for me to handle, I was so scared because I felt like rape could happen at any time. There was just a thin curtain separating the females from the males and it made me feel so vulnerable and uncomfortable.
Every night I hardly slept because I felt someone would break into our room and attack us. It was peaceful until one night, I felt a strong hand grab my legs. 
To be continued Next week.