Saturday 23 July 2016

(WOD) Work Out of The Day.

Exercise Espresso.
First: We start with 2 minutes of Jumping jacks to warm up and get your heart rate up. Do one minute. Rest for ten seconds and get the other minute over with. Yes you can

Secondly, we go into 2 minutes of squats while getting some more ten-second rest in between.

Thirdly, we start our 2 minutes of  Burpees. Get another ten-second rest in between.

Next, do your 2 minutes of sit ups adding some weights if you are able to. Stretch your hands out straight when you get up.
 If you are unable to add weights, just carry on with your sit-ups but with no break. If it is hurting, it is working!

Last set, finish strong!
Do a 2-minute plank. Rest after a minute for 15 seconds and finish the last set with some grace.

Beautiful body, here you come.

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