Thursday 14 July 2016

13 Things you should know about your Husband so that your peace can increase.

1. He is not God, not perfect, will make many mistakes. Once you get that. You will have a life time of peace

2. He hasn't noticed that you have lost weight just yet because he sees you every day. He hasn't noticed you have a new hairstyle because you look beautiful to him all the time. Duh! That's why he chose you.

3. He wants you to still flirt with him, send him suggestive texts and dress seductively for him, get kinky in the bedroom now.

4. He knows you told him yesterday to change the lights, but he forgot. Today is today, remind him gently please and without rolling your eyes too

5. Okay, you have had kids and so down there has changed a bit. There's just more bumps and curves, it still feels great, don't be insecure. He loves it, it's different but its still so good. Stop asking.

6.Initiate sex also, it makes him feel wanted. Don't wait for him all the time.

7. You don't have to do it in the bedroom always, what happened to the shower and living room? Go on and do it everywhere, no one will ever know.

8. He really cares about food and soccer,  Serve it right and let him watch in peace, then he will do anything for you.

9. He does enjoy watching you dress up,  if he is next to you the next time, put a little bit of striptease in it for his private viewing.  That's all he will ever think about

10. He secretly loves that you call him honey, boo, bae, baby, luv. Maybe not so cutesy ones in front of his buddies, please outgrow honey boo-boo already. They tease him at work.

11.He is not secretly admiring your friend with the cute body, he is just thinking "does her skirt really have to be too tight?"

12. He wants to be your father, lover, as well as baby too. So mother him and fix him a lovely desert when he is not expecting him or reward him with a cute T-shirt customized with- you have my heart always. He will go out and get you that perfume you've wanted for so long.

13. He is not a mind reader, he doesn't know your thoughts if you do not open your mouth and share them. So please quit sulking already.


  1. nice write up

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    3. Thank you, I am glad you enjoyed it. If you send me your address, I will mail you you gift for commenting. It is an all natural moisturizing lip balm and a make up purse, you can send your address to Congrats!

  2. Inspiring posts!
    More of this please

  3. Thanks Jane. We will be posting more of those. Please email us your address and we will send you a gift.xoxo

  4. Wow!!!
    Will do that right away.
    Thanks and God bless you.
