Monday 18 July 2016

Amazing Armpits Fan! Drum rolls!

This one is a super amazing first. It's not funny at all... Okay, may be a little bit.
If you live in Africa or the Middle East, you might be secretly throwing your hands up and dancing a victory jig  for this newest gadget.

This arm pit fan was designed in Korea to combat the big white patch under you arms. They cost about twenty seven dollars and are trending right now, all over the world.

Will this be an- out with the deodorant, in with the arm pit fan fad? Who isn't tired of embarrassing wet underarm patches that creep up on you minutes before you have a big presentation or a first date?
Maybe this discreet gadget may be what people need to be able to raise their arms up whenever they need to while being out in public. It can be worn anywhere on any part of the body that needs some cooling down.
Not sure I may be ordering one, I will be sticking to deodorants and jamming my arms to my sides to hide that annoying wet patch in this 40 degree heat. Would you though?

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