Saturday 16 July 2016

5 amazing books your child should read.

Teaching your children about God is really important. If you educate your child about God and His laws, it will not only shape their character but build a good christian foundation.  What they learn now, will help them navigate through life and influence them in making right decisions as they grow.
Children are very inquisitive by nature. They are curious about everything and ask the simplest yet toughest questions. Their question range from the thoughts that go on in their heads to world news and happenstances. Children also want to understand the concept of God and how someone invisible can be so real.
Thankfully,  there are now so many resources to help you, more than ever before.

The Ten Commandments is a good place to start, as it is helps children build character. However, to teach it right, you have to break it down to them in a manner that they can fully grasp.

From googling free online printable resources  to investing in books, you can never do too much in educating your child.. has a wide range to pick from and these are our top 5  picks.

 It will be okay: A light hearted fun tale that tells the story of  Little Seed and Little Fox who are facing changes and brand new circumstances—and they don’t like it one bit! Through this unlikely friendship, children will discover that no matter how new or fearful their circumstances, God is always with them.

Whits End Meal Time Devotions: Next time you sit down to eat, enjoy some spiritual food too! Get everyone talking―and learning―with the nourishment of Whit’s End Mealtime Devotions! Encourage quality family time and pass on a strong spiritual heritage with these 90 devotions created to engage children in fun, lively, productive dialogue.

 What do you stand for? For Kids: In this book even elementary school children can build positive character traits like caring, citizenship, cooperation, courage, fairness, honesty, respect, and responsibility. The true stories, inspiring quotations, thought-provoking dilemmas, and activities in this book help kids grow into capable, moral teens and adults.

Go to to purchase and for more book synopsis.
Picture credit and book synopsis: and online sources

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