Sunday 24 July 2016

Sunday Sermon: It is all up to you

Bible Study: Jeremiah 18:1-6 Read it here

Jeremiah was a prophet who loved God. The bible tells us that even before he was born, God knew him and set him aside for his glory.
It was during his ministry that the lord revealed to him, the story of the potter which we will study today.
The lord told Jeremiah to arise and go to the potter's house. When he got there, he saw how the potter used his clay to make vessels. The potter moulded it with his bare hands and as Jeremiah watched the beautiful art in fascination, the lord gave him a revelation.
God told him the manner in which the potter molded the clay with his hands was the same way that Jeremiah's people were in His powerful hands.

Today as believers, we are also Gods people. If we remain steadfast and committed to the things of the Lord, He will mould us into what He has desired for us.
Many a time, we have everything concerning our lives figured out with our human reasoning and so we let go of Gods desire to mould us into excellent Vessels. When we decide to mould our lives ourselves, we usually become tired, unsuccessful or even broken.
It is the same with clay. When it is unyielding in the hands of the potter, it can become a deformed vessel. The deformity will not appeal to potential buyers and If someone does decide to buy it, he most likely will never bring it out when he has important guests.

As a vessel to be in God's hands, how do you fare? Are you un-yielding to Gods direction and plan for your life? Do you feel like your ministry, career, home-front is crumbling right before your eyes and you cannot fix it?

The great thing about clay is, it is malleable. It never gets totally condemned because the potter can always fix it by working on it.
We are all like clay too,  You are malleable in Gods' hands but you have to make the call. The Potter that makes everything good, is happy when you call on Him to fix you.
If your vessel is broken, His hands can restore wholeness to your being. The God who  breathed life into dust and made it a living being can give you a re-birth.
In verse 8, The Great Potter, our God talks about His love for us. Even when we make a mess of ourselves, let go of Him, disregard Him, He is merciful enough to forgive, remould and refine us.
His word says that He will relent on the disaster that could have come upon us thereby sparing us, work on us and giving us a beautiful end.

So what are you waiting for? Go to the lord today and let Him remould you into an amazing vessel for His glory and your peace of mind.
He has given you a free will to make that decision. How will you use it?  It is all up to you.

Picture Credit: Online Source

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