Thursday 14 July 2016

Eat these and Look so much younger!

5 foods you should of eat more starting now!

Eating right not only does wonders for your waistline or boosts your immunity, It can also provide some anti-aging benefits such as smoothing wrinkles, giving you glossier locks and stronger nails. You are really what you eat. Know this today, what you eat in secret shows up in public. Your diet directly affects your appearance and  how you age too.

Start eating more of these foods today for more youthful looking skin.

Watermelon is loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant compound which gives watermelon and tomatoes their red color. What it does is, it helps skin stave off  UV damage. Scientists believe that the melon contains as much as 40 percent more of the of this amazing antioxidant than raw tomatoes. That's the equivalent of  SPF 3, so add it to your daily dose of sunscreen.

Pomegranate seeds are full of vitamin C. Vitamin C prevents fine lines, wrinkles and dryness by neutralizing the free radicals that weather skin. The higher your vitamin C intake, the lesser the likelihood of dryness and wrinkles in middle-aged women. The fruit has anthocyanins which help increase collagen production, giving skin a firmer look. It also has  ellagic acid a natural chemical that reduces inflammation caused by UV damage).

These delicious berries boost radiance .  They supply vitamins C and E, two antioxidants that  brighten skin, even out tone and fight off free-radical damage, it also has  arubtin, "a natural derivative of the skin lightener hydroquinone,

Lobster is really delicious and has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat a range of skin irritations including acne. Zinc accelerates the renewal of skin cells, that's why you find the nutrient in many acne medications. In fact, research shows that people with acne have lower levels of zinc than people with clear skin.
Do you need another reason to love them? They are high in oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid that helps skin retain moisture in the outer layer to keep it soft, plump and supple. The taste of avocados and bananas in a smoothie is not only nutritious but delicious as well.

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