Thursday 14 July 2016

Should I tell my husband everything?

So they say when you get married, you and your spouse become one?  If you do not tell your spouse everything, are you causing a division in your marriage? are you emotionally cheating? Not really I suppose.

However I think I would want my spouse to tell me everything or almost everything.
When my girlfriend shares something personal with me, say her inconsiderate husband for example, Is it fair to discuss such details with him whether they are friends or not?
My husband is one of my best friends and as I write this article, I pause to ask him if he tells me everything, he shakes his head and says no.
I am a little bit disappointed, so I ask him why not?
 He tells me that there are some things I just don't need to bother my pretty head about. Hmm and indeed!
The truth is, so many things go on in his head. Our finances, the future, pressure at work, hoping tonight will be a good night to have sex without the kids screaming for mummy or daddy, his parents health and well being, his buddies who are going through tough times and so on. Too many things I guess.
So he tells me that he would rather deal with them himself  rather than load the problems on me.

I am the other way round, I share everything with him. I tell him what is going on in my head constantly. Things like a new recipe I'm trying to get perfect at and other things like how my skincare line is going. Actually, more like asking him to invest more in it if I can be honest.
I even tell him everywhere I'm going. He has never asked me to do that, but I do it out of habit. My mother always drummed that into my ears while growing up, so it has stuck with me I guess.
He reluctantly tells me also that sometimes I share too much information with him. I feel a little bit sad about this and he notices the look in my eyes.  He explains to me that he doesn't really need to know how hard my poop is when I'm constipated or how heavy my period is. He also doesn't want to know that I farted a few minutes ago and the whole place smells like beans. My goodness!
 I think I just have gotten too comfortable with the man. It's time to chic'n up myself and spare him all the gross details.

There are some things I will not discuss with him though not out of being secretive, just somethings that I dont think are his cup of tea. I will tell him though about misunderstandings between myself and girlfriends if there's is any because I know he will tell me where I was wrong.
If someone asks about his welfare or sends warm regards, I'll remember to tell him. If there is something I need to do but know that he would probably discourage me from doing, I'll admit that I'll go ahead to do it and then tell him after I'm through.
I also think there are somethings that he will be better off not knowing about. For example, issues that could change the way he felt about a relative or a friendship I really treasure.

The question is should I tell my husband everything? Would you? Lets discuss!
Send an email or drop a comment below.

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