Friday 15 July 2016

How to Cope With Younger Siblings

To all my friends out there with younger siblings, you will understand me when I say that younger siblings are one of the most annoying things you could ever wish for, especially when they are little girls. Don't get me wrong, I was glad when I found out that I was going to have a little bro and I was even happier when my little sisters came along. The thing with baby brothers and baby sisters is that they go through lots of phases and I think I'm quite experienced enough to know those phases and they are:
  • The Cute Phase The cute phase varies between people but it usually lasts between the age 0-3/4. During this stage, no matter what they do, you still find them cute, you always love to hold them, you always play with them. This is also when they start talking and crawling/walking so you always love to teach them to say new words, to walk to you etc.
  • The Transition Stage – This transition stage normally happens between the age 4-5/6. This normally happens because they've been through preschool and are getting ready to go into school, they think that they are on top of the world so they start acting up. In this scenario acting up mainly means trying to mimic your every word (mainly happens with little sisters), jumps on you and pulls your hair and most importantly this is the age that they start throwing major tantrums
  • The Bratty Stage
    This stage is pretty self-explanatory as its when your little siblings act like complete brats. By this I mean they throw unnecessary tantrums that last for more than 3 mins (a bit shorter for little brothers), they cry for no reason or when they don’t get their own way (mainly happens with little sisters), they always tend to hit/slap you for absolutely no reason (happens with both little brothers and sisters). This stage varies for guys and girls. I don’t know why but little brothers tend to grow out of the bratty stage much earlier than girls because they are just more easy going than girls so because of that they tend to grow out of this stage at the age of 7/8. But for little sisters they don’t grow out of this stage until the age of 9/10 but if you’re lucky they might grow out of it by the age of 8.
  • Lastly there is the Compatible Stage This stage is where every older sibling longs to get to because it’s when the younger sibling stops acting bratty and annoying and actually tries to get along with you. Once you get to this stage you cant expect to stop fighting with your younger siblings completely but you can expect to not fight with them as much as you did before. You can also expect to get along with them much better than you did before.

So in conclusion in order to cope with your younger siblings, you just need to let them be them. Let them cry, let them shout, let them throw tantrums because the secret is kids will always be kids. You can't speed up the process and you cant slow it down. In other words, just make the most of the short time because before you know it, they wont be babies or little brats anymore.
They would have grown up and you wont be able to go back in time to spend those times that have already passed, once they turn six, they can't turn six or five any more. So if there's anything I've learnt form being an older sibling of 4 (meaning that there are 4 kids and I'm the Oldest) it's to cherish the moments you have with them, the good ones and the not so good ones because once its gone, its gone.
If in this blog I haven't answered some questions that you would have loved to be answered about coping with siblings, please leave a comment below and I will try my best to answer your question as soon as possible and in as much detail as possible.

This Blog Was Written By Crystal 

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