Monday 11 July 2016

New Levels...New Devils

Encouragement for Today
Bible Verse: Isiah 41:13

When you are starting something new, it is never quite easy. For example, starting a new job, a new blog,  going to a new school or starting a new business. It is uncharted waters for you and different challenges are thrown you way.
It is the same when you decide to spend more time with the lord or to take your faith more seriously, the enemy knows that he has to try as much as possible to keep you from following through. Sometimes it is just when you are taking a break to spend time with the lord that a friend stops by or your favourite show comes up on the television. Distractions just pop in and out that before we know it, we are completely side tracked. That's why we cannot afford to be unaware of the enemies devices.
Its no different when you also decide that you want to live out your life in a godly manner. It is at that instant that all sorts of offenses begin to rain down your head. I remember a time when the Lord was taking me through a lesson of self control. I literally suffered, The offenses that came my way during that period were like never before, It was like I was suffering on a daily basis.
T.D Jakes in his message titled Let it Go, said that God will only promote you to the level of your tolerance or pain. If you are too sensitive to deal with daily challenges, too immature to always have a smart answer for someone who has bad manners, too irritable to deal with sticky situations, then you cant have a blessed attitude. You'll just remain on one level. Its that simple.
When you begin to attain a new level in your life, there are new devils. That is just the way it is. However, you must never get discouraged, you must continue to press on, and move forward by disciplining yourself in the Lord, asking yourself what would Jesus do?
When you ask for a promotion in any area of your life, there will be some challenges. In your spiritual life, offenses and challenges will follow as well. This is because the devil isn't just sitting around playing a game of cards, the bible tells us that he is the accuser of the brethren and desperately wants to prove that you don't deserve that new level.

Do not always expect offenses to come from people that you do not know or do not matter much to you. Your closest friends, your spouse, relatives even children and associates may be instrumental in offending you or challenging you without them even knowing or planning to. That's why as believers we need to always look beyond the people who hurt us and focus on the force that influences them and deal with it spiritually. The bible reminds us in 2nd Corinthians 10: 4 that our weapons for warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds.
Cleanse your minds from negativity, purge your hearts of anger, disappointments and discouragements and focus on your maker who says I know the plans I have for you, plans of good and not of evil to give you an expected end. Praise the Lord.

You are blessed and highly favored, you need to rise up and face your challenges squarely in the face because you have a higher power inside of you, Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Keep your eyes on God and be sensitive to the Holy spirit as He leads you.
When someone tells you New levels, New devils, tell them that's not completely true. Say to them that "As for me, it is new levels, new devils and I am an more than a conqueror".

Be lifted this morning and be blessed.

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