Wednesday 6 July 2016

It's Not Even Like That..."Really?"

Bible Verse:Mathew 5:37

The other day, my friend was telling me about all the difficulties she was facing in her business. I tell you though, It was pretty tough for her. 
She was telling me, "Barbara the whole thing is just f****d up." My eyes widened, and inside me I was a bit uncomfortable because almost every sentence that came out of her mouth had a curse word in it. She even called a cow holy and then another sentence had holy sh*t!

Let me tell you something about my friend though. She is one of the kindest people I know, She loves the lord and is extremely generous, and I know for a fact that there are a lot of us saved and passionate about the lord who slip like that sometimes. We are human after all. We are not perfect at all, but because we are Gods people and a peculiar nation bought and sanctified with the blood, we should try as much as possible to reflect holiness not only in our speech but in our walk with the lord too.
Anyway, as we sat together that morning, I offered to make her some flavored tea hoping that it would help calm her. What she said next really unsettled me.
 She said "No thank you dear, I am fasting"

"Huh!" I exclaimed. She looked at me a bit sheepishly and asked me "Why does that surprise you?" The words came out of my mouth too fast

 "Sweetie, I would never have guessed... there were too many erm...words, kind of profane words you spoke just now, thats why."
 I must have paused momentarily because she looked a bit confused. "Fasting was the last thing I thought you would be doing this morning..." I told her.  I hadn't exactly finished talking but I knew her heart was convicted so I stopped talking. She put her hands over her mouth and said to me so remorsefully "It's not even like that." 
We shared together and studied together why such talk was abhorred by our Lord. It was a beautiful learning moment for us.

If you talk that way, my question to you as your sister and friend is Really? Colosians 3:8 tells us expressly to rid ourselves of all such things as anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from our lips.

Sisters can we truly love and revere the king of kings and speak filthily? Jesus tells us in
Matthew 5:37  that our communication should be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these comes from evil.

As women of God, 2 Timothy 2:21 tells us that - If  we therefore purge ourselves from these, we shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, [and] prepared unto every good work.

I want to encourage you today, if you are struggling in this area and it grieves you to grieve Gods Spirit, God can help you. Matter of fact He wants to help you. John 6:24 tells us to ask the Lord today to cleanse our lips, He said He will help you and your Joy will be complete.

Gods grace is more than sufficient for us, Keep walking and working in Him, in a blessed and beautiful way.

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