Saturday 16 July 2016

5 Most Important Things A Woman Must Have In Her Purse

What are the most important things you have in your purse at all times?
Well, we asked some of our readers for you and these are the top 5.
 Tell us what yours are and why?

Money:Whether it is your ATM card or Credit card, always carry spare cash with you because you never know when your most trusted ATM might be out of service. If you are going on a date too, Hold some "insurance" money in case the date goes awry. We hope not.

Make Up:
If you don't have a mini make up purse with all the
essentials, (Then try to win one now by leaving a comment) always stick to having a lip balm, hair brush and some perfume in your purse. There's nothing as unsightly as a woman with cracked lips, untidy hair and a smell that's better not described. Fresh mints are a good plus too.

Aspirin or Tylenol:
You never know when you might get a headache. It might be in the middle of work or at lunch with girlfriends, pop up the meds so your life can return to being normal and stress free.

Your Phone: This should actually be number one. However, people can be kind and you can borrow from a friendly looking stranger without looking crazy, if there's an emergency.

Hand Sanitizer: You dont want to spread germs or get germs yourself by touching surfaces or people. There are so many lovely scents and tiny bottles that can fit even the smallest of purses, so you should consider  buying a few and placing one in every purse you own.

We can't wait to hear your top 5 pick. Please comment below and win a moisturizing lip balm from Blush Body and this beautiful girly make up purse that can hold the very basic essentials.

1 comment:

  1. Yep! It's true! I got my swag bag with a lip balm in it. You don't have to do anything spectacular on the blog, just make a comment and, walaa! One will be yours too. Hurry up!!!
