Friday 22 July 2016

When You Are NOT Invited...

Encouragement for Today
Bible Verse: Psalm 27:10

 How do you feel when you are not invited?
How do you feel when you see a picture of your friends having fun without you on facebook?
Does it upset you that you are not part of the "it" group sometimes?
Do you feel like no one has taken the time to truly get to know you?

Do not you fret over little things? The lord has made you fearfully and wonderfully. There is nothing wrong with you.
The world is used to seeing the outward appearance of a man and using that as a standard of what he is.
Do not fret about being overlooked because God sees you and He delights in you.

When Samuel went to the house of Jesse, He thought Eliab was the king to be.
Why not? He was tall, probably broad shouldered with a deep baritone voice. Samuel must have seen Eliabs muscles flex when he helped his father move some furniture around. Yes indeed! this was surely the king, he thought.
Abinadab, Shammah and Jesses other sons passed by also for Samuels endorsement, excellent men they were, with handsome and chiseled features, but the Lord told Samuel not to consider their appearance because they were not His chosen. (1 Samuel 16)

Who among your friends, colleagues, family is still myopic in their view of you? Who has not invited you or passed you over for a promotion, just because they feel you are lacking a quality check in their box? Who has not chosen you despite all the hard work you have poured out? It is okay. Do not fret because it is not yet your time. God is still working on you.
Consider that even when David was anointed as King, twenty years passed by before he ascended the throne.

The Lord is telling you today to be patient. Your time is in His hands and when He is ready to present you the world, those that felt you were incapable, too lowly, too unqualified will be amazed at who the Lord has made you to be. There will be so many invitations,  that you will gracefully turn a lot down.
Do not bother about what is in the heart of man towards you but what is in your heart towards God. Bother about how God sees you and what He finds in your heart.
Psalm 27:10 When people forsake you, the lord will receive you.
Dust off all your anxiety, all your loneliness and heartbreak as you sing a joyful song to the lord. You are always welcome into His courts. You do not need the validation of men or an invitation into His presence because you are the apple of His eyes.

When you are not invited, know that to God, you are always His special guest of honor. When you are passed by for  a promotion remember that your timing is not in your hands but Gods. When you are not invited stay still and know that God is God.
At the appropriate time, You will be honored.  Worry not, only smile and shine on, you are Gods delight.

Picture credit: online source

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