Saturday 16 July 2016

My On Going Weight Loss Journey

One of the biggest trends out there in the world is fitness. Nearly everyone's goals is to lose the food pregnancy and get the perfect 6 pack. As a 17 year old girl who has felt very self conscience about her weight and how she looks in clothes, I unfortunately developed self hate towards myself for gaining so much fat and not being able to lose any of it.
 I have known obesity for a majority of my childhood and I can strongly confirm that it plays a major role in my personality. If you had never met me before now, you would think that I  was boring, whilst in actual fact people that are closest to me would say that I am funny, loyal and a great listener.
It was all because of how I looked.

My weight caused me to develop social anxiety which led to me being house bound all the time. I never liked going out so I just never did.  If I was forced to leave the house I would wear this navy blue hoodie that I had owned for over 4 years.
 It was an L men's hoodie so it covered my body like a blanket. My obsession with that hoodie got so bad that I would even wear it in 25 degrees weather (which is considered immensely hot back in England). Now that isn't healthy. I bought that hoodie in 2012 on my 13 birthday and only said my final goodbyes to it last month when I was getting rid of clothes that I no longer needed. Oh! the only reason why I did that was because I was moving across the world from a cold climate country to a country where 35 degrees was the norm.

Truthfully, I started my weight loss journey when I was 11 and around that time I weighed around 75kg which is crazy.
As a young child you never really care what you look like until someone/ another child bluntly tells you that you're " fat"
My family is very comforting,  they would  tell me daily that I wasn't fat but chubby. They would also reassure me that I would eventually lose all my "baby fat" so not to worry much-  I didn't. However I knew I was unhealthy so I changed for the sake of my health.
6 years on and I'm relatively the same weight but I've grown taller so I don't look as chubby as I was when I was 11.
I'm still considered as very overweight according to my BMI but I personally feel fitter and healthier and I guess that is the most important thing. If your health is good then you are okay.
Even though I've accepted my weight I would still like to develop an athletic body. So this summer that is my aim, to convert that body fat into muscle and to get toned, lean and strong.
To do this I have started going to the gym and started using weights which should help increase my muscle gain. There are also many apps and videos you can use to help you get to your target weight.
Here is a helpful list.

Videos and People that I used and found very effective
1- FitnessBlender (YouTube)
2- Lumowell (YouTube)
3- Scola Dondo (YouTube)
4- T25
5- Billy Blanks Tae Bo workouts ( YouTube)
6- Blogilates (YouTube )
7- Superherofitnesstv (YouTube)
8- Jillian Michaels ( Youtube)
Apps that I used and also found very helpful
1- Nike Training
2- Freeletics Bodyweight

These are all the things I personally found helpful so I hope you are encouraged to at least try.
 All you need to remember is once you start, remain consistent. Best of luck and let me know how it goes please. xoxo
Picture Credits: Online Source
Written by Milo

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