Sunday 10 July 2016

Miracle Working God. A Testimony.

Encouragement for Today

Bible Verse: Revelations 12:11

This morning when I woke up, I asked the lord what He wanted me to share today. He reminded me of the conversation I had with one of my best friends last night.
As I tried to remember what exactly the lord wanted to draw my attention to from our conversation, He took me back to the same moment when she said the exact words. It was like I was watching a movie of my life. Pretty awesome.

My friend was telling me about how one of the articles really blessed and encouraged her, I got so excited and started to give God His Glory, when she said to me, "why don't you add a testimony page to this blog, where people can share their testimonies and encourage other people?"

The movie of my life paused there and the Lord asked me to share a testimony today.

Years ago, I was in high school and my christian faith was just taking off. I wasn't born into a christian home so I was just learning about the Lord. I was very much a newbie but I was very fascinated with the miracles of our Lord and all the good things He did during His ministry.
It was during the time of our final exams, these exams determined if you would be able to attend University or not and I was struggling with mathematics which I needed to pass.
 I hated mathematics so much, I just couldn't understand it. What was even worse was that, when I studied and practiced it, I would do quite alright but when I had to write any tests or exams, my brain would be blank. Much later in my adult years I was diagnosed with directional dyslexia which can affect learning mathematics.
In those days, there were two exams that were written, so that in case you failed one, the other, you could fall back on.
When I wrote maths at the first exams, I cried my way out of the examination hall. I was able to attempt only a handful of questions even though I had studied into the wee hours of the night. I knew that I would fail. I focused so much on my attempts and abilities that I didn't even remember to ask God for help.
 The second examination came round and I must have studied a bit more. Unfortunately again, this time I was able to do even less than the first exams.
I didn't cry this time,  I remembered the Lord and His miracles and so I prayed. I said "Lord you know how much I studied, please help me, give me a miracle please, I want to believe in you even more" I also remember making a vow that if I passed the exams, I would give a testimony in front of the congregation. We all know how hard that can be for a teenager.
Few weeks passed by and the results of the first examination was released. I failed the maths woefully as expected. Then the other results came out.
 I was holidaying at the time with my aunt when my mother phoned, Not only did I ace the mathematics, I did brilliantly in all the other subjects as well.
I remember my aunt being very ecstatic, for a moment you would have thought she passed the exams and not me, she went into her room and began to bless me with so many gifts. I still remember it so clearly. What an awesome day it was.
I eventually gave that testimony at my first church service at the University. To God be all the glory.

Sometimes we forget that God has all the power to do all things. Everything is very doable with God. Luke 1:37 tells us that with God nothing is impossible. In Mathew 19:26,  Jesus told his friends, with men things are impossible but with God all things are possible.
 Mark 9:23 also reminds us that we first have to believe, We must have faith, and let God perfect the rest. May God help us all everyday through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Are you blessed by this testimony? Please share yours and lift somebody up.
 The bible says we are over comers in this world by His great power which is the blood of the Lamb, and by the testimony of our mouths in Revelations 12:11.
Be encouraged today, God is still in the habit of doing miracles.

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