Monday 18 July 2016

Nope, He is married, He's not The One.

The only person who complicates your relationship is you honey, end of story.
When you say you are in a relationship but it's complicated, it's time to say goodbye to it because complicated is out and commitment is in.
 What does "it's complicated" even mean?
Does it mean that you are in love but can't receive the kind of love you want or does it mean that you are in a relationship only for some benefits? If you are in a relationship with a married man and you think you are in love with him, this article is for you.
If you are in a relationship with a married man for benefits, I'm not sure this will really do you much good. However, know this, you are so much better than that and the only person who cannot see or understand that is you.

If Sam keeps telling Susie that he loves her, would die for her, wish he met her eight years ago but just can't walk out on Susan and the kids. He is not only lying, he is irresponsible. Why do you want to be with a man like that?
While your name is stored as Plumber on his phone, there must be Carpenters, Painters, Drivers,  Bakers and maybe even a Florist on there as well, except that he has never sent you flowers.

Does it not bother you that you are wasting your time on someone you most likely will never have? If you decide that it is worth the wait, the wait of giving him sometime to leave Susan you are a joker. He most likely never will.
If you spend all your time clinging to this "complicated" thing how would you recognize your Prince Charming even if he rode past you on a stallion of a horse.

How about Susan? Did he tell you that they're not in love with each other or that they don't even have sex anymore? That line has been used over and over again. It has been used so much that it shouldn't hold much water with you.

Yes, married men have the allure of something exciting, they usually are stronger and more mature than single guys. They know how to treat women and meet their every whim and fantasy. Why not? They have had years of experience practicing on their wives, it is nothing special so don't be get carried away.
Why on earth do you want to be the reason for the breakup of a family? Why do you think being the other woman is not such a bad idea. It is. You deserve much more. You should be in a loving relationship where you can call or text your partner anytime without being nervous about it being seen by someone else.
You deserve peace, commitment and happiness in your relationship so don't settle for less.
You are a phenomenal woman, yes you are. It's time to cut ties, get back to God, ask for forgiveness and courage to move on with your life. It may seem hard at first but you will be glad you did because there is nothing better than living at peace with yourself.

These 3 tips should help you with shutting the door on an affair.
Say goodbye but never in person because it can lead to temptations.
Cut Ties and move on with your life by keeping busy.
Reinforce that you do not want to be contacted and stick to it.

Your Prince Charming is on the way and even if he is not just yet,  I can hear the ovation from the womenfolk cheering you on.

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