Saturday 9 July 2016

You are Gods Masterpiece.

Encouragement for Today
Bible Verse: Luke 1:45

You are very beautiful and blessed. Forget what the world sets as a standard for beauty.
Your maker says that you are fearfully and wonderfully created. Whose view do you believe?

You are a masterpiece. If you were a dress, you would be Super Haute Couture. A dress specially made, never replicated. Thank God you are not a dress though, you are much more than that, more than a  pretty  face,  words cannot  fully describe who you are.

In you, you carry a unique DNA in your body, made up of completely unique cells that no one can ever have. So do not doubt yourself at all. You are a work of supernatural artistry. A walking wonder. A Paragon, A Gem and a Marvelous Miracle.

Woman of God, how do you see yourself?
Has the enemy sold you lies?
Do you think that there is nothing special about you, or that you are just an average regular person? Please do not doubt yourself anymore, never again because you are more than you ever can imagine.
The Lord said not only to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5, but to us all, that before we were formed in the womb, He knew us and consecrated us. Do know what that means? It means that you were set aside for a purpose.
 You are not a mistake. You were purposely created to not only show the handiwork of God but to be a wonder to the world.
 Not only did God create you as His masterpiece, He also  blessed and highly favoured you by filling you up with divine gifts that further enhance your beauty and purpose in life. Yes you are gifted!
Ask the Lord today,  to show you your calling and to lead you into it.

 Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us all that God has special plans for you, They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and hope.
Do not write yourself off, Do not quit on your dreams.
Mathew 6:33  encourages us to seek  first the kingdom of God and every other thing will be added unto us.
To come into your purposed life, you have to be knit with God. Seek Him and call on Him, He will show you deep and mighty things.
God is faithful to do more than we can ever imagine in our lives, Ephesians 3:20.
God is not done with you yet... His word says in Luke 1:45 that He will fulfill all His promises to you, if you believe.

What are you still holding on to against yourself? What more do you need to hear about how beautiful and blessed you are. Go on and showcase yourself to the world. You are Gods Masterpiece.



  1. Thanks Barbs for the words of encouragement! This is my first devotion this morning. It doesn't hurt to be reminded or who we are, actually, it does us good than we know it. Knowing who we are helps us do life with our head held up high, because we know that no matter what, we are not defined by our circumstances or situations. We are His and by the victory in the Blood of Jesus, we are overcomers (Revelations 12:11).

  2. Thanks Oyebola for your encouragement. You are always a blessing to me and my family. Enjoy your gift.

  3. Thanks Oyebola for your encouragement. You are always a blessing to me and my family. Enjoy your gift.

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