Tuesday 19 July 2016

How soon should we have sex! He is soooo Hot!

"How soon should it be before sex is on the table? It is just so hard to with hold it because he is so hot and that's all we think about...
Last night we kissed and I just cant shake that feeling off. His hands were so big and strong and...."
My friend was having this discussion with me yesterday. She is 23 and she's been dating this really good looking guy for about 6 months.

How do you discourage an independent single woman to lay sex off the table because that's what the bible says?
Why did God create us with raging hormones only for Him to say don't do it till he's put a ring on it?
First things first, just because He  is God and He knows best.
Secondly, Sex is so much more than satisfying that crazy sweet feeling and orgasming.
Sex  is spiritual. Yes it is physical with all the touching, bumping and grinding but it is more spiritual than physical and emotional put together.
When you sleep with someone, You make a covenant with them spiritually. I know that sounds heavy but it's true. Actually, you make a blood covenant and that is not something you want to play around with.
Have you ever thought about how you felt when you broke up with someone that you had been sexually intimate with? I'm not talking only about the emotional attachment that comes, but just somehow, how a part of that person remains with you no matter how far you have moved on with your life?
Sex is a soul tie. It binds people together and that's why it is better to be shared only in marriage. When you give a part of you to someone, you are getting a part of them also. Now if that person has multiple parts in him, you best believe that you are also getting bits and pieces of personalities, spiritually tied to you.
Isn't that just heavy?

Why would you want to exchange all this heavy serious stuff for 10 minutes of ephemeral bliss?
Sex is great, it's passionate, it's hot and much more but it's more than just getting some kinkiness because you feel like it.
In a relationship, sex is great but there are other great things to do with your partner. Sex will connect you but it will not keep you together at all.
A persons strength of character shows when he or she can display a high level of self control. If you can control this area of your life, then it will help in disciplining every other areas.
Do you know how a man's perception of you changes when you let him know sex is off the table? He might laugh about it to your face or walk out of the relationship but let me tell you something, he will respect you for the rest of his life.
Even if you have been doing the deed it's not too late to practice abstinence.

The truth about sex or safe sex is - it is not really safe. Condoms leak, STD's can still occur, unwanted pregnancies can spring up on you. Truth is, most condoms are 98.9 percent safe but you can be the 1.2 percent statistic.

"How about I don't have sex, then I get married and my husband is boring in that department?" My friend asked me as I talked with her.
"No biggies! all you gotta do is show him how to please you?" She laughed so hard and I did too. There is nothing sexier than a woman telling her man how she wants to be teased and pleased in bed. Forget 50 shades of grey, in the bedroom it is fifty shades of you.
 There is nothing wrong with being a godly woman and a freak in the bed for your man.
There's a lot of time for sex in marriage, and no matter how hot your husband is, there will be days you'll pretend to be asleep because you are just so tired.
So chill out, sex is a big deal. Don't give out all your goodies till its legit for real.
Let him put a ring on it, till then don't wind on it. Easy come, easy go. If he has to wait for it, he most likely is into you and will be sticking around for ever.
Good luck and Gods speed.

The Wait is a book about how to walk this talk, I haven't read it, but it's a best seller. Check it out and let us know if it is a great read. It is available on Amazon.

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