Sunday 31 July 2016

Sunday Sermon

The Lifestyle of a True Christian

Bible Study: Romans 12:9-21

The best thing you can do for the lord as a believer is to be an awesome walking advertisement for Him.
You can't expect people to desire a relationship with the lord if your mouth speaks one way and your attitude screams another. As Christians, we must remember to uphold and present to the world, the virtues that were evident in the life of our saviour.
Romans 12:9 reminds us to be loving, to display and have genuine love for people.
It is true that its hard to love when love itself has really waxed cold in the world. All we see and hear of is hate, murders and all sorts of unbelievable madness.

However, as true christians who emulate Christ, We must be the change the world is looking for. We must stop casting stones at others and have brotherly affection for each other.
As true christians, we must continue to be zealous for the lord in all we do. One of the ways to do this is, make WWJD our daily motto when we are faced with decisions and oppression.
We must also remember to serve the lord with all our being- spiritually and materially, by spending time in His presence and serving Him in every area that He leads us to.

As believers, we know that one of our responsibility is to cater to the church. The church has needs, not just your pastor or elder. 
The Church is you and I. 
There are people who are in need. Take a look around,  look for someone who is your brother or sister in the lord and think of how you can be a blessing to them. Manna doesn't fall from heaven anymore because God has put the manna in your hands to bless others.

In our daily interaction with people, remember to show Kindness and bless those who offend you. Do not in anger curse them. Forgive and forget, let go of all hurt and let God cleanse your hurt with His peace. 
Remember to show Compassion to those who mourn and let your happiness be evident and real with all people who rejoice. 
Complain not, envy not but give thanks to God for everything. With patience, wait on the Lord for your time of rejoicing too.

As true christians, there should be no pride found in our hearts, we must not act as the wisest of all creatures sounding as empty barrels. We must listen to others and exhort them only in the Lord.
We must remember that we are nothing and so humble ourselves by associating with everyone regardless of their social or financial strength.
We must not repay evil for evil, Vengeance is mine said the Lord therefore we have no business trying to get our pound of flesh back from those who hurt us. We must not retaliate any harm that comes our way because our God is a God of love, of mercy and of peace.

True believers should live peaceably with all men. As hard as it sounds, it is possible, the bible says that when a man walks with the Lord, He will cause even his enemies to be at peace with him.
If your enemy is hungry or thirsty, feed him. If your adversary needs a favour that is within your reach, give it to her. Be the good in the world that leads people to our God. Overcome evil with good always.

The lifestyle of a true christian keeps you pure, gives you peace and brings honour to our God. It is your decision from today to choose what lifestyle you will emulate.
 May the Lord bless and keep you standing firm in His word till the day you meet with him, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Happy Sunday.

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