Sunday 17 July 2016

Are you a Far-u-See or a Sad-u-See

Encouragement for Today:
 Bible Verse: Romans 12:2

During the time of Jesus,  there were some religious leaders known as the Pharisees and Sadducees. These religious leaders were supposed to be role models, helping and guiding people to grow spiritually.
They were basically like priests or pastors in today's world. However, their minds were really far from God. They weren't really interested in doing Gods work. They were more interested in living self righteous lives and being know-it- all's. Their attitude was so bad that the lord referred to them as hypocrites.

These days, It is very easy for us to be hypocritical too, putting people in  boxes and branding them with our  labels.  We forget that somewhere, someone has also given us a label.
We are quick to label people as short tempered, pretentious, shy, jealous, too flashy, talkative and more.
 Today we will focus more on ourselves rather than others and so let us start of with a quick quiz.
Here's the question for the day: If you were your friend, how would you label yourself?

Would you call yourself a Far-u-see  or a Sad-u-see?
A Far-u-see is someone who sees only  the end of a thing.  For example, do you meet someone for the first time and jump into conclusions on the kind of person that they are? Maybe, your first impression of them didn't tick your boxes, so you believe that being friendly with them would be a waste of your time.
Maybe it is in the area of starting something new, do you go through the challenges persevering, or do you conclude that the woes are too much so the next best thing would be to quit.
Are you constantly predicting the future in a negative way? Do you look to the end of a thing only, without appreciating and enduring the challenges at the beginning?

There is always a happy ending in fairy tales and in very much of our lives, but if we had decided to quit during some trials that we have come our way, we would never be able to say, "look how far we have come".
When you are a Far-u-see,  you quickly jump into conclusions about matters, you make assumptions based on seeing too far away and usually without thinking things through properly. When you see from afar you can never see clearly.
So, maybe you are going through tough challenges at a job, a new business or in relationships, please be encouraged to stop seeing from afar. Move closer and see the better things that lie ahead.
See like the Lord sees, appreciate the falls and scrapes because they will make you stronger.
 Stop comparing yourself and achievements to others, or to your friend's success on social media. Stay in your lane and look forward to where the Lord is driving you despite the bumpy road.
Don't rely on the lenses of your mind by seeing from a faraway distance but through the lenses of God, whose vision is perfect.

A Sad-u-see on the other hand is someone who foresees sadness and bleakness in everything. They say things like,  "the economy is so bad now and it can never get better".
You can never share a business idea with a Sad-u-see and leave encouraged, neither can you talk to them about serious issues and leave feeling inspired in your heart.
 They may smile at you while they talk you out of your ideas, or pat your shoulder while leaving you lower than you came in, whatever they do, there is no comfort in their words neither is there any encouragement to lift you up.
When the chips are down, all they see is that it will remain that way and with them, there is hardly any trace of positivity.
Sad-u-sees can sometimes be very eloquent and if you are not careful, they will influence your decisions by giving you a thousand reasons why you will likely fail or never get better at a thing.
 No matter how positive and excited you are about an idea,  a Sad-u see will dim the lights of  the bright spark inside of you once you share it with them.

Sad-u-sees and Far-u-sees are very similar, they are around us and sometimes they are us. Maybe you are a a Far-u-see or a Sad-u-see without even realizing it until now.
The good news is,  it is not too late to re-orientate your mind, talk to the Lord and tell him to change your mindset and He will.
Romans 12:2 tells us to not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed [changed] by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
God really wants his Children to rely on him regarding their future completely, not to be Far-u-see's or Sad-u-sees. He wants us to live by faith and not by sight. (2nd Cor 5:7) to be filled with hope, peace and joy no matter what the circumstances are, because His plans for us all are of good, not of evil, to prosper us and to give us an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11)

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