Tuesday 12 July 2016

The outside world from a teens perspective


Hi, Its your girls Milo, Olah and Crystal  and we are here to give readers an inside view of our lives as African teenagers in a British boarding School. We have been given the opportunity to document our lives and our opinion on worldly matters. In these articles/ posts we shall be talking about topics ranging from teen fashion to fitness and self- esteem to family advice. Weekly, we shall be posting a diary entry of our lives in boarding school starting in September. Our aim is to help teens like us understand that they are not alone in the world and that they can always ask us for advice, so if you have any questions please leave a comment at the bottom of each post and we will try and answer them in our next post.
Just to clarify we, like you are human so our advice may not always be the right one for a specific situation but we will always try our best to comfort those who need it.

Our weekly context post 
Mondays - Music of the week
Tuesdays- Product analysis (Beauty)
Wednesday- Fitness
Friday- Fashion Post
Saturday-  Advice
Sunday - Diary entry (starting in September)

This timetable is not a set timetable as we will be posting content when we feel like it is necessary. However we want to reassure you all that we will try and post everyday. There will be times we won't be able to post due to school work  and there will be times we post two or more on one day. All in all we just hope you enjoy what we have in store for you.

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