Saturday 23 July 2016

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Encouragement for Today
Bible Verse: Mathew 24:30-31

We are living in very tense times. There are terrorists everywhere. There is hate everywhere and sadness and sorrow is lurking in every corner.
Women are abused and violated daily, children are turned to soldiers and beheading of innocent people have become the order of the day.

Where have we gone wrong? Why does it feel like the world is spinning too fast and out of control? How did we let hate seep into our very being and corrupt our core.
Where are the values that were taught to us by our parents when we were much younger and the world seemed like a better place?
What is going on?

If you are a believer, you will understand the times that we are in. It is no longer a cliche-that the end is coming except that we do not know when exactly.
It could be tomorrow, it could be next week, next year, fifty years from now. It could be tonight.

Where are you standing? Are you on the fence? On the other side or on the Lords side?
 I want to encourage you this morning to prepare. Prepare for that glorious and mighty day by casting down your crowns, your selves and your pride. Cast down the things that are weighing you down and exchange them for the zeal of God.
What would it gain you, if you profit the whole world and lose your soul?
We need to sit down and re consider our lifestyle and ask ourselves a simple question? Is our lifestyle pleasing to the lord?
 The bible reminds us that let he who thinks he stand take heed lest he fall. (1st Cor 10:12)

Examine your life this morning. Where are you standing?
If that glorious King, the one who died and rose again appears in the clouds today, by His grace where will you be?
Are you going to let unforgiveness, malice, slander, hate, heartbreak, adultery, fornication, lust of the flesh, pride and more hold you back?

Do not delude yourself, that day is inevitable. The King of kings will ride in glory in the clouds on a horse.
It might sound like it, but you best believe it is not a fairy tale. Fairy tales got their inspiration from this, which is the truth and which is to come.
That day, He will separate the wheat from the chaff and His sheep from the goats. (Mathew 25:31-33)
His sheep know His voice and will answer when He calls them.
Do you know His voice. Do you hear Him knocking at the door of your heart today? He's there asking you if you will open.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Answer and let His love sweep over you, let it give you peace in this troubled times that we live in.
Remain at peace in Him and stay blessed.

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