Sunday 10 July 2016

Eat Breakfast Daily and Lose More Weight...It is a fact!

You must have heard it before. eating breakfast daily is essential to keeping your weight down. One of the reasons is because it will help you keep snacking at bay till it is Lunch time. Another reason is that when you eat breakfast you jump start your metabolism which is higher in the morning. Eating breakfast will also keep you blood sugar at normal range thereby supplying energy for all daily routine.Always remember to fix yourself meals for one not two or three by watching your portions.

So what should you have for breakfast?
You should have a complete meal that fills you up without the extra and unnecessary calories. Today's meal is a very healthy one and will fill even the hungriest man up. So do not panic about your portion size being too small.

Brown bread and oats are high in Fibers. Eggs are a good protein source. Both foods combined will provide you with energy through the day and kick start your metabolism too.
The sandwich is a healthier take on a classic sandwich. It is open faced and you can taste all the goodness of its filling as you pop it into your mouth.

Open Faced Poached Egg Sandwich Recipe
One slice brown bread
One egg
Half tomato diced
Some lettuce leaves
Red onion
Shredded carrotblack pepper

Half Apple
1/3 cup cooked gluten free oatmeal
1 teas spoon natural honey

Quarter banana sliced
1/2 cup almond milk 
1 big glass Water

Poach egg in slightly boiled salted water for about 4 minutes. Careful not over cook your oatmeal. Toast your brown bread and chop up all vegetables. Slice your apple into wedges. You may choose to snack on it later during the day.

While bread is warm arrange sandwich with poached egg last on top, sprinkle with some black pepper to your taste. Transfer oatmeal into a bowl, pile up sliced banana and drizzle with natural honey.
Eat slowly and savor every bite. Enjoy your meal with chilled almond milk and a glass of water with lemon or cucumber slices if you please.


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