Thursday 28 July 2016

A to Z Recommendation For The Best You.

A- Aspire to be the best version of yourself everyday:
When you get up every morning, be determined to be the best version of yourself. Indulge in a beauty treatment, wear something dramatic. Do something different. Spend time with God, meditate on a verse, do a prayer walk, wear your hair differently. Smile at everyone you meet. Do something kind for someone, even paying a compliment counts.

B-Be Bold and Better:
Every day decide that you will be better than yesterday. Put more effort at daily chores or at spending time with hubby and the kids. At work, work harder and smarter in a specific area. Be bold enough to strike up a conversation with someone new and if it lasts only 10 seconds, well, you know you tried.

C- Courage:
Be courageous to speak up for your opinion and beliefs or for someone else. Just remember to do it in a respectful manner. Not everyone will agree with you, it's always best to agree to disagree with people but politely.

D- Do not fear the unknown:
Fear is the ultimate destroyer of dreams and aspirations. Kick out fear and live life to the fullest, starting now.

E- Entertain Yourself, Others and Exercise:
For no reason throw yourself a happy day coffee morning or brunch for you and your friends. Get together, play girlie games and catch up on your lives. If you want to spend time by yourself. Catch up some TV shows, read a book or (you saw that coming right?)
 Make yourself a large mug of delicious coffee or tea and just indulge.
When that is done, hit the gym and burn those calories. Exercise is vital to maintaining good health.

F- Faith, Fun and Food :
You have got to believe in something higher than you, study about God, get to know Him and delight yourself in Him. Be less sensitive to slights and be fun loving everyday. Be silly every now and then and do something goofy. Experiment and cook an international dish you've never eaten before. Laugh if its awful and don't feel bad for feeding it to the dog. Laughter is medicine for the soul.

G- Get together with elderly relatives:
Such as parents, grand parents, aunties and uncles who have loved you from little. Skype or Facetime them regularly to remind them they are still loved very much. It will make their day.

H- Hide your flaws if it makes you happy, but know that true friends will always love you warts and all: 
If your teeth are not as straight as you would want them to be, smile widely at the camera because no-one has the same dentition as you, celebrate your uniqueness! That's what makes you special.

I- Inspire someone:
Even if it's your child, a co-worker, a friend. Tell your cleaner you appreciate her work and how much you believe she will be great at running her own cleaning agency some day, then share a success story with them and remind them regularly.

J- Joke, Be Jolly and Journal:
Don't take things too seriously all the time, if a waiter spills some wine on your shirt. Tell them thank

you for finally getting you the right color shirt you've  always wanted and smile profusely instead of getting upset. Be jolly and friendly. Journal your life, it will be an interesting read twenty years from now. How I miss my teenage diary! I would give up almost any of my flavoured teas just to read a page again.

K- Who said Kim Kardashian?  
Okay seriously,Kindness:
It costs you nothing to hold the door open for the lady behing you, to spare some change for the poor beggar, welcome the new neighbour with some cookies. Kindness makes the world a better place and you a better person.

L- Love, Love, Love:
Hate has caused so many problems in the world and has never solved just one yet. Chose to love people and see the best side of them. Refuse to gossip, slander or stir up hate. Love not just your friend but everyone around you and be more empathetic to those who are less fortunate than you are

M- Make good eye contact.
When you talk to someone, maintain good eye contact. It shows sincerity. Whether it is at a job interview or with your spouse. Allow yourself to be vulnerable in your emotions, It reveals the essence of your true self and that is an undescribable beautiful thing.

N- Be Naughty Sometimes!
This is not as a result of not knowing what to write. We could have said be nice, notice someone and let the know they are seen and loved...
But we want you to be a bit naughty and cheeky sometimes. watch thier actions, it will tell you more about yourself, more than you can imagine. It will also help you in considering if you need to tone down the scolding a little bit too.
At home reverse roles with your children and do something you would consider naughty to them then

This is a tough one for us, but we said A to Z right?
Well, Be Optimistic.
Never give up hope, as long as you have life, there is still hope. You can get cured from an illness, you can become a CEO, you can achieve success, you can get married, You can have children, you can own your own home, you can write a book, You can. Never ever give up.

P- Pursue your dreams:
Don't just dream alone. Do also. Do your research, improve yourself, put yourself out there. Dream and do because dreams really do come true. Ask Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Airways. He dreamed, he did and look where he is now.  In his biography, he humbly tells the world that he wasn't  the "smartest" at school. You go out there and re-define smart.

Q-Quiet Time:
You have got to switch off when you need to. To reconnect with your innerself by meditating, sleeping, listening to calming music. Just Switch Off the best way you know how, no phones, no T.V. Listen to your body and soul and give it its nourishment. 

R- Remember Birthdays!
Facebook has made that easier, remember to send a message to loved ones on thier birthdays. It shows warmth and reminds them what a loving person you are.

S- Socialise!
Don't be a loner. Take an interest in people especially people who are different from you. Different in age, younger and older. In ethnicity-see the world through their eyes. It will give you an added exposure to the world. 
The world is feeding the hate that comes from racism. Stop now and see people not colour. 
The most amazing friendships come from the most unexpected places.

T- Therapy and TLC:
Sometimes we need therapy and we can do this by talking to a professional about incidents that have marred us or to faith counsellors. Talk about it, let it out so it doesn't eat you up please. Do not be consumed by the past, you deserve a beautiful you. 
Give yourself some tender loving care. Get a massage, facials, highlights in you hair, false lashes and bat those alluring lids away.

U- Understanding:
Understanding comes from wisdom. When you learn patiently why people do things or why certain things happen, the understanding that you have about that thing, helps you react in a better and more controlled manner, That attitude will place you in a different and distinctive leadership league. Others will desire your maturity and many will admire you for it.

There is so much satisfaction that comes from volunteering to help someone especially when that person cannot do much for you. Volunteer your time today and bless someones life. It will add value to your life too.

X-Yikes! This is a brain teaser.
X-Rated! Sex is great, Do it as often as you can, in marriage of course. Switch it up and freak your hubby out by doing it elsewhere than the usual place. Send him seductive messages while he's at work and flirt shamelessly with him. You will be all he'll think about.

Y- Younger looking you doesn't mean sugeries and crash diets. It means happier You:
Take time out to do the things you enjoy and spend time with people you love. Wear a smile, it does make you loo 5 years younger too.

Z- We made it finally! 
Hip Hip Hurray if you read till the end.
Zip up: If you are single and don't give the goodies up till your man puts a ring on it.
Zip your mouth if you don't have anything good to say. Noone likes a catty remark.
Zip your jeans up, go to a party and enjoy yourself.
Zip this article and email 5 of your best friends too. That's a good one to zip right?

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