Saturday 16 July 2016

Sunday Sermon

Don't be Delilah.

Bible Verse: Judges 16 and Proverbs 31

When people talk about the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31, It is often said that she is not realistic. Some people say that, if she lived in today's world, she would be a super hero, wonder woman or a step-ford wife.
It is true that the virtuous woman has an impeccable record, but her lifestyle and her traits are found in women who have decided to walk with the lord everyday.
When you decide to put God first, every other thing follows and falls into place because the Holy spirit Himself will direct you.
I'll give you a real life example.
 When I decided to walk in the Lord more and put Him first before every other thing, something changed within me.
The Lord began to produce fruits in me that I never thought were possible for me to have. Firstly, my speech changed, My attitude towards my husband changed dramatically. I became more respectful and interestingly, I learned to listen more and flare up less with him.
Secondly, my attitude to my business and domestic staff also improved. My patience with my children, love for people, wisdom, gentleness and meekness increased tremendously also.
One day, my husband and I were relaxing and chit chatting when he told me how much I had changed and how much more he loved the new me.
I knew then, that it had nothing to do with me but the power of God working with me.

Without God in a woman's life, she will not be able to model the traits of a virtuous woman. She might be a nice lady, beautiful and sweet, but she will not be a phenomenal woman.
What distinguishes women of the world and women of the Lord is the power of God which works in His daughters. That power causes her to produce good fruits and sets her on a pedestal that no other can attain.
A woman of the world has the ears of her husband but she does not fully have his heart. Period.
A woman of the world will be loved by her husband a hundred percent no doubt, but he can never beat his chest to say he trusts her completely. No matter how nice and sweet she is, there is a limitation to how much her husbands heart truly trusts her.
Now I want you to understand me. I am not talking about trust in areas of fidelity. I am talking about being able to reveal deep secrets to her. Being able to fully confide in her and being able to confidently attest to her strength of character.
A man desires his woman to not just be his help mate and lover. He desires his woman to be his complete other half. The one he can be completely open and honest with, who listens to him, who advises him, who prays for him, who does not contend with him, who is his champion. He desires a woman who is purposeful, prudent, wise, kind and godly. A woman who will do him good and not harm all the days of her life.
You can be that woman and more if you reverence the Lord.

In Judges 16, we read about the story of Delilah. You can read it here.
The bible talks about how beautiful she was was and how madly in love Samson was with her. I want to believe that Samson  knew better than to reveal the secret of his strength to her, because on many occasions, she let him down.
The word of God explains to us that after a while, he got sick of her probing and gave his secret away.
If you read the following chapter, Samson never got a chance at a reconciliation with Delilah. He however recovered his strength and was able to destroy the people who inhumanely attacked him.
 So, I guess it was easier for Delilah to move on with her life and act like nothing happened. After all she didn't need to answer to him anymore because they were now apart from each other.
When you betray the trust of your husband, how do you sit with him, in the same house and relate with him? Like I said before we are speaking of trust in the terms of a woman having the heart of her husband.
Are you daily losing his heart by stabbing him gently day in day out? Are you being disrespectful to him? Unloving, disobedient and unyielding to him? (not being submissive)
Do you discuss him with others in a way that brings disrespect to him? Do you call him names that you would never be able to say before him because you are trying to be funny among your friends?
When you are with other people, do you bring him down by arguing with him unnecessarily just because you want to make a point?
Are you constantly probing him for information or nagging him to the point of irritation and sickness?  Have you decided that just because you have children now, that he has become less important?
Do you treat him like your king and lover? Elizabeth called Abraham My lord. When I think of that, I don't think she bowed before him and worshiped him like he was her God. I think she honored him and adored him in a way that his heart fully trusted her.
How do you treat your husband? Is he your everything?  Do you make him feel that way? Is his heart fully trusting in you?
You cannot fully have your husbands heart if you do not first have God in your heart guiding you and leading you. The fear of God throws a cloak of wisdom over your shoulders. This wisdom will teach you how to relate with your husband and how to treat him.
Gods word will be a lamp unto your feet and it will direct you in every area of your relationship with him but you have to study it first Psalm 119:105.
When you give God your time and your heart, He will give you your husbands. Proverbs 21:1.
It is never too late, In fact it is better late than never. Don't be a Delilah unto your husband. To your husband be an excellent wife, be more precious than jewels to him, do him good all his days and his heart will fully trust in you.
The Lord will help us all in Jesus name. Amen.

Have a beautiful Sunday and be blessed.

Picture credit: online source

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