Wednesday 27 July 2016

Grow Your Kids The Healthy Way

You know you want what's best for your children. The best way to start is by feeding them right. Make sure that they are eating well balanced meals because it will help them maintain a healthy lifestyle for life.
Your child's immunity is great at dealing with illnesses, however a helping hand does go a long way. Nutritious meals will help boost their immune system. So will exercise. Get your children involved in fun sport activities such as Zumba kids, Tennis, Swimming and more.

More Ways of boosting their immunity include very basic stuff such as the following:
Eating more Citrus Fruits such as Oranges, Lemonades, Red Capsicum Peppers and Tangerines
These super rich fruits have just the right amount of Vitamin C which is anti viral and anti bacterial. You can cut up these fruits in wedges and tuck it into their lunch boxes or even as a snack at home. Vitamin C is great at helping recovery from colds and flu.

Sun Time:
The sun supplies Vitamin D but you want to be careful what rays your child is exposed too, the early morning sun is best. If you are in the Middle East or Africa where the sun rays are harmful. Make sure you speak to a healthcare practitioner who might prescribe some vitamin D drops.

Load up on the Yoggies, (Yoghurts)
Not only do they taste great, they contain probiotics which is essential for health in growing children.

Fill up on Fibres
Avocados have fibre content and most breakfast cereals are rich in fibre too. They help and aid digestion and contribute to all round health in children.

Healthy children are Happy Children.

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