Wednesday 13 July 2016

It's Okay, every one makes mistakes

Encouragement for today
Bible Verse: Mathew 18:15

Did you do something terrible? Have you hurt someone without trying too? Do you feel let down by someone you trusted?
It is okay, everyone makes mistakes.
You are not perfect. No one is. Don't beat yourself up because there is no use crying over spilled milk.
Sometimes we wish that we could rewind our lives, I have been there too.
Sometimes we wish we handled situations differently because when we think about it,  our actions weigh us down.
When we get hurt, it is easy to let the pain take us to our lowest low and all we feel is bitterness, resentment and hatred towards the hurter or even ourselves.
The question is, what good has that done?  It is time to let go of the past and let God. There is no need to hold ourselves captive to our feelings. Sister, there is more to life than to be bitter and unforgiving towards yourself or to the hurter.
When you feel hurt or you hurt someone,  It is okay to cry or to ponder over your actions but not for long. Do you remember the story of Kind David when he was convicted by the prophet Nathan? The bible tells us that Nathan prophesied doom in the house of the king. Immediately the king was troubled and he began to plead before the lord. He wouldn't be comforted and lay on the bare ground, fasting and crying. The interesting point to note was that He got back up, comforted himself in the lord and the Lord lifted him. The lord even replaced his son whom he had allowed to die as punishment for his sinful and wicked affair. In-fact so great was the Lords love for this new son that He named him Himself. (2nd Samuel 12:25)

Learn from the great king, you should not stay feeling betrayed,  unforgiving and unforgiven, misled, mistreated, bitter, angry and unrepentant for too long. Do not grieve over your pain for ever. Do not stay captive by your actions for eternity, make amends instead. The Lord will give you beauty for ashes.
Also be careful who you allow intervene in a dispute between you and another. 1st Corinthians 6:1 If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord's people? Some people just fuel the fire of strife when you confide in them, instead of being peace-makers. So consider carefully, whom you talk to concerning resolution of conflicts.
Mathew 18:15 says that “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. And if he or she doesn't, then be comforted by the fact that you are now blameless before God.

The most important step to take during the process of letting go, is found in Ephesians 4:31. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Forgive yourself or the offender, do not talk bad about them. Let go of the bitterness that has held you captive and allow the Lord to breathe over you.
You can not hold on to pain forever, no one, not even you is perfect. We all stumble and fall, we get hurt and we hurt people too.
The lord wants to set you free if you are willing. Encourage yourself in Him. He tells us to cast our burdens unto Him for He cares so deeply for us (Psalm55:22)
It's okay dear, everyone makes mistakes, Everyone except God. Receive your healing and be set free.

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