Tuesday 5 July 2016

What Language Do You Speak?

Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13
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I just started a new fitness regime. It's a bunch of cross-fit exercises blended with cardio and strength resistance training.  It is really hard when you first start out, and just when my body begins to adapt to the training, my trainer switches me up to something equally as daunting as when I first began.
Sometimes or almost all the time when I reach what I call my breaking point I whimper and plead with him to let me get some rest. My plea is usually something along these lines, "Brett I can't do it anymore, I'm tired and my body aches" 
Of course by this time I'm sweating and panting like I'm really going to pass out. In fact I am so sure that I cannot go any further, but each time, he motivates me, he speaks to me in a very assertive tone and says "yes, you can," He yells if he has to so I don't quit and he'll cheer me up too and tell me a bit sternly that "you can do this, finish strong, you're almost done, you are doing great."
With every word he speaks to me, I go further, I go the extra mile, I push a little harder and then I cross the finish line.
One day, he told me, " Barbara, you've got to change your language, change your mindset. I looked at him and I was like "huh!"
He said "Listen, you have to tell yourself you can do this, because there would be times when you would have to train by yourself." He also told me that  if I wasn't confident, then my weight loss target would not be met
As I pondered on his words a bible verse popped into my head, Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
After our conversation that day, my mindset completely changed.
 You should see me in the gym now, I'll admit, I'm not yet as fit as I know I will be, but I know I am so much better and super duper confident in doing new routines no matter how difficult they may appear, because I have a greater power helping me now. The other day I was doing pull ups and push ups, and I asked myself? Is this really me the cry baby?  I admired myself as I nodded. Yes it is me and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What language do you speak to yourself? What are you constantly telling yourself about yourself? Do you want to lose weight and are struggling with bad eating habits? I've been there and I have overcome by His grace.
Are you battling a shameful addiction or attitude that is eating you up and tearing you apart?  In a Jamaican accent I tell you today,  Sister, you are more than a conqueror!
 You too can overcome. How do I know that?  
Very simple. Just because the bible says so in Romans 8:37

Do I have doubts sometimes about things? Of course I do, but then I pray about it and ask God for help. Do I get scared sometimes when I start something new? Yes but then I remember that God has not given me a spirit of fear but of love and of a sound mind. So I kick the fear out.
Even as I write this, there are thoughts in my head asking me, If  I will be able to blog everyday and achieve all of my big dreams?  My answer? Yes I can and will  through Christ who strengthens me.

Sister are you feeling inadequate or under qualified for a role you really desire? Go ask Moses. (err.....you actually can't, but the story's in the bible.) When Moses came in contact with the Lord, The lord gave him some specific tasks, fear crept into him and he started speaking Icanotneze
Icanotneze is that same language I would speak when I got to my breaking point at the gym.  (I Can not do this, I can not do that).   He said to the Lord, "Pardon me please, I am not eloquent"

Then the LORD asked Moses a simple question, He said to him, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.”
Such powerful words, don't you agree?

Today I pray for you that the lord will teach you what to speak concerning your self. May He give you a new language that will change your life for the better forevermore.

Have you been lied too or have you believed the lie of the enemy that you have passed a certain age and so you have wasted all your fruitful years, therefore there's really not much left for you to achieve? Please do not believe it for a second. From today declare that Icanotneze is no longer a language you speak.
Look at Sarah, she conceived at an unbelievable age and her fruit is still one of the most established men that ever lived. Genesis 26:14 says Isaac was so wealthy a whole nation envied him. Who would have thought?

Get up today and prophesy greatness into your life by Gods loving grace. Isiah 41:13: I am the Lord your God who takes you by your right hand, who says to you, Fear not for I will help you.

I want to encourage you today to remember that God has said it and so it is final, if you can conceive it, God can help you achieve it.

Dream big, Get up and Do it, Believe it and watch God help you Achieve it.

Remain blessed and beautiful.

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