Monday 4 July 2016

Dreaming Big and Waiting on God.

Encouragement for Today

Dreaming Big and Waiting on God.

Bible Verse: 

2nd Thessalonians 3:3

Zechariah 4:10 Jeremiah 29:11 Proverbs 16:3

I am such a dreamer. I enjoy my dreams, there are big ones and there are small ones. There are huge ones and there are small scale ones, I just love to dream.

What is really amazing to me though, is while some of my dreams have become a reality, some I have desperately tried to work on but have failed woefully.

 It is amazing because I'm not discouraged even after having failed. I'm more than encouraged now, more than ever before to keep chasing after my dreams because no-one has ever made it by giving up.
Last year, I decided to re launch my clothing line which I started on a small scale while at the university. I pumped quite a bit of money into it and failed woefully. In fact I failed so badly at it, that every bone in me screamed give up! I was so disappointed and so ashamed.
It was so bad, that when friends that I had told about my new venture asked about it. I decided I would have two stories. For my close friends, I would tell them the truth and for the Nay-Sayers I would just color the truth a little bit.
Now I ask myself, why did I even have to lie to cover my failure? The failure of one attempt or several attempts at a thing does not mean the end of it. Matter of fact it is just a learning curve. That's why the bible is quick to remind us in Zechariah 4:10a, that we should not despise the day of little beginnings for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.
So I went back to my drawing room, to figure out what I did wrong and what I could have done better.
So while I'm there doing that, figuring things out, I'm still dreaming big.
In the mornings, I drive myself to a small but spacious gym to work out with wonderful women of God and I am dressed in the fluffiest, pink-est sweat pants. It has a B and B logo running down the side in gold letters. The B and B stands for Beautiful and Blessed.
Then like in a movie, I fast forward and see myself in my big glass office, which has scientifically modified fibers that enables me see the sun clearly but not feel its harsh rays, there's so much greenery outside my office and I can hear birds chirping, it so beautiful that I'm constantly in a happy mood at work. Mind you, I am still dreaming.
In my dreams, my job is not work per say, it is a hobby that fulfills me.

When I arrive at work,  my employees greet me with a big smile, because they too are happy to be in a loving and functioning work environment and as I step into my office, I am embraced by pictures splashed all over my wall. The pictures are of little children from all over the world, and of rural widows from all around the globe whose living costs has been met by money made by my business. These widows have received grants to help them start businesses and are now able to care for their families. This dream is huge I know, but please keep reading.

While I sit at my huge white table and sip my green tea, I am skyping with orphans from a village somewhere in Nigeria who are giving me a rushed greeting as their custodian hurries to drop them off at a school that my business has founded.
I dream big sisters I wont lie.
 I dream of my blog being read by all women of the world whose lives are impacted by the power of the words my God places in my heart.
 I dream of myself writing every morning at that same white table, in a pink T-shirt emblazoned with the words I am Beautiful and Blessed with some beautiful pearls round my neck. My dreams are pure, lovely, of good things that are filed with good reports. They are specific and purposeful.
What are your dreams?

The lord is faithful, He will establish you and guard you from the evil one says 1st Thessalonians 3:3.

Will God establish you if you have no dreams, no aspirations? You have to have a dream sister.
Then you must work towards your dream. Proverbs 14:23 says: All hard work brings profit but mere talk leads to poverty, and Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the plans I have towards you, they are to prosper you and not harm you, to give you hope and a future.
Start today, do not procrastinate, spend time researching, start small, do something. Don't just dream and then fold you arms. The book of Proverbs says that: A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of arms then your poverty will come as a robber.
 Dreaming without doing is like pouring water into a basket, it will never get filled. Dreaming without doing equals Fantasy.
Anything Dream-able is Do-able
I encourage you today to dream more and do more, and while you are it be encouraged by these words in Proverbs 16:3: Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish you.

Dream of beautiful and blessed things, then pursue them, believing in God, and watch Him bring your dreams into fruition.

 I can't wait sister, I can't wait to see you at the Top.
God bless you everyday.

Picture Courtsey:Royal Online Stock Photography

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