Sunday 3 July 2016

Beauty and Understanding

Bible Text:1st Samuel Chapter 35
(to read full bible text click below)
Abigail was described as a woman of beautiful appearance and understanding. It occurred to me that, that could have meant she was pretty. When I searched the scriptures for women who were pretty they usually had longer descriptions. So maybe Abigail wasn't as stunning as Tamar who's beauty ultimately led her brother desire her, pine for her and abuse her with incest. Maybe she wasn't as attractive as Delilah who captured and ensnared the heart of a very powerful man who became drunkenly in love with her. In fact I believe that she was not as ravishing as Bathsheba who Davids heart stopped beating for, the moment  he first laid his eyes on her.
I believe Abigail was just like us. A beautiful woman just like you and me nonetheless, however she must have kept herself together by taking good care of herself without excuses. She must have eaten right, and exercised frequently by taking long walks in fields of green grass.  
I think Abigail was a very tidy woman, who washed her hair and made sure she looked very clean and well put together. I don't think she did too much, she wasn't trying to impress anyone, she didn't need too. 
However, she knew that cleanliness was next to godliness.
Are you a woman who really loves God, but forgets to radiate His love on her outside? Do you forget that your outward appearance is also an advertisement for your God? You are immediately addressed as you are dressed.
  Abigail's Godly Attitude.
Lets jump to verse 14:
One day, after Davids men had asked Abigail husband for some generosity and he very rudely sent them away, one of the young men who witnessed the event, went to Abigail and told her of the disaster that had occurred, and he also told her to consider the matter wisely.
One of the things that immediately jumped out of that scripture passage to me was, Abigail must have had a really good attitude towards her household staff.  I believe strongly that this young man had studied her and found her to be quite opposite of her husband especially towards her staff and to people around her. She must have had impeccable manners, her attitude most likely professed love for her God and for people too. Her mouth must have been filled with edifying words for people, building them up and encouraging them.
 Abigail must have carried herself gracefully, ministering to people the goodness and love of God in word and deed.
 Does your mouth speak one way, but your attitude declare another? does the word of God bring transformation permanently, temporarily or just when its convenient for you? what should your attitude as a godly woman reflect? 

Wisdom and Understanding.
Immediately, Abigail was told of her husbands misdeed, she knew that her husband was wrong, she has enough wisdom to decipher that. Her understanding guided her in making the right decision and taking the next step. She knew for a fact that a quick correction was all that was left on the cards.
I don't think the young man would have shared his information with Abigail if she was perceived as a foolish woman?  how do you deal with people who are unwise?
 Wisdom is always profitable to direct as to our dealings with people. Joyce Meyer says, whe you are unsure, mind your business so that your peace can increase.
Wisdom will tell you what is proper and what isn't. Wisdom can influence your decision regarding a matter but understanding is what will drive you to make sure you follow through with.
For example, how do you think Nabal, Abigail's husband would have reacted, if Abigail had gone to him and advised him on rethinking his actions towards David and his men?
I believe that the deep understanding she had of her husband, and of the possible implications of the matter hastened her to do the right thing in verse 18.
Do not be slow to make amends when you have wronged someone, make amends as soon as you can, Do not delay what you can do today for tomorrow because tomorrow might be too late.

Humility, a Beauty Accessory. Understanding, A Fierce Weapon:

1st Peter 5:5 "...clothe yourself with humility for God resisteth the proud and gives grace to the humble"
Verse 23, we see the rich mans wife, Abigail, falling on her face before David and speaking to him with all humility even referring to herself as his servant. What is your state of mind when faced with having to apologize? In a state of pride and arrogance, we destroy a lot of things that could have very easily been fixed. In anger we make a far worse situation of things no matter how bad they were before. 
While Nabals answer to Davids men stirred up wrath in Davids heart, Abigail's humble disposition made David repent of his planned retaliation.   A gentle answer turns away wrath. 
Humility is a beauty accessory in our lives as godly women and it will help to keep offenses at bay.
How do we consider the fate of people who have wronged us? Do we constantly wish them evil or forgive and pray for them?
 Understanding comes from being Knit with your maker, the more you get into the word, the better your ability at handling situations get.

Kindness and Generosity, A Beautiful Perspective of Understanding.

Lets quickly go back to Nabals story. He was a wealthy man, did he honestly have to withhold being generous? It would have cost him nothing to show a little kindness. Wouldn't it?
Giving these days doesn't have to be materially only. You can give your time by stopping to spend time with someone who needs comfort, or time in praying for the person. God loves a cheerful giver. Show kindness to someone, bless someones life, teach your children to do the same. Sow seeds of compassion into peoples lives, It won't cost you something you don't already have.
 God repays kindness all the time, and He never repays with misfortune.
Looks at Nabal's unfortunate lot. It is interesting that he also had a really terrible name, his name meant Folly, which followed him to his end.

As a godly woman, beauty of the heart doesn't stop only at feeding your spirit with Gods word, your health and well being is important to God too.   Nourish your body by eating right and feed your spirit  by praying and study Gods word regularly.

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